…i dont know what else to say..i mean..argh..drama..love..lies… >.< shoot me? i dont know..i mean its been a while since i last cut…well not a while but long enough…to those who have a habbit of paying attention to my entrys erika..the girl who back stabbed me..yea apparently shes reading my od..or so she tells me she is…i dont know..its all screwy..and to those who wonder and i know is going to ask whens the last time..well..yea that would be for a good solid time after the 5th…not since i left florida there all healed and such all gone..few scars..nothing much … what else to say..me? i am alot more steady and stable then well..then..when i was in my last leg with erika…i am moving on..flirting..getting to know this chick who used to dance ballet..which is awsome …like really..but she had to quit cause of school…which sucks cause i think she might of been an awsome one..and i havent even seen her dance..its just more of the passion that she talks about it with..anyways..im out all i need to get thoughts all in one…and i get to introduce my danzer friend into the story of my x..b/c well..yea she wants to know so……………..bbl
Sweet nightmares
The vampire