
I never understand how it works..I never see it coming..always seems to be the ..weirdest things….the second you look away and look back its too late..a small innocent looking thing..

Stuck in my head.. Not a moment with out a thought of Leaothleil..and yet I screwed it all up..”oh its okay it really is” that’s not the truth..you know this..if your so afraid of me you wont see me..that’s bad dont you think?

I think your too nice to tell me..

You say you miss me..yet you aren’t willing to see me..you say you are too fearful but yet you say you wish..

this is too confusing..for you and for me..

One day..happiness the other its like you dont wanna be near me..

I have been thinking maybe a few days with out me might help..maybe you’ll learn you dont actually need me.. maybe you’ll regret it and tell me piss off..

I haven’t had a day..or a moment with out wanting to see you..text you..and yet i feel like I am nothing more than a bother to you…some one you are reluctant to see..

This could end up being some short lived thing that goes nowhere, as much as that’d suck I would understand..

I tell you I love you and I mean it..I would never say it if i didnt..

So i guess this is it for the night..if you’re new around here. Welcome to the world of Gareth aka me. It’s twisted…kinda insane..but its home. You’re welcome to look around, say what you want…do what you want..just realize, I am not perfect..I am not like you..or any one you will ever meet in more ways than 1. I am just me..take me…leave me..love me..hate me..I dont care..probably never will.

~*Sweet Nightmares*~,


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