Wanna see my new music video?

 The song is about five years old, but we remastered it and then made a music video…

It paints a pretty accurate description of my life. 




I broke my life. 


The only thing that makes me happy anymore is that all of this means nothing in the grand scheme of things. 

So let’s drink to that?

I said I wanna get fucked up…



width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/80y-d1vT44g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


ok, well I guess this embedding shit doesn’t work anymore…and yeah I put it in source. 

So here is a fucking link.

Jesus christ. 

Fuck everything. 

I can’t wait until the world lights on fire.


That damn song

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October 17, 2011

party on wayne

October 17, 2011

…You should do a song to the Guile theme. It goes better with everything. Game on.

I have the same problem with embedding. If you’re embedding from youtube click where it says “get old embed code”. every since youtube changed the code OD won’t accept it. I’m off to watch the video now -very excited!