Vegans are retarded.

So is facebook.

So, this is a post that a friend of mine left. It had a link to an article. The topic of the post was, "You stay classy FBI". This is what the link said.

"As I was writing a blog post yesterday that mentioned an FBI raid of a vegan household in Salt Lake City earlier this year, I was unaware that the same household had been raided by the FBI again earlier that day.

Local animal rights activist Peter Young was targeted by the FBI in March, after which property was taken from him and several of his roommates in connection with the prosecution of Scott DeMuth, a Minneapolis activist accused of ransacking an animal research laboratory in Iowa in 2004, and releasing hundreds of animals.

This time, Young and roommates were suspected of harboring suspected Animal Liberation Front "Lone Wolf," Walter Eugene Bond, the man accused of burning the Tandy Leather in Salt Lake City and Tiburon Fine Dining in Sandy, as well as another animal enterprise in Colorado, where he’s been charged. Young denies that Bond lived in their home on his blog, where he also posts the search warrant.

Here’s how it went down, according to Young:

Every member of the house was taken outside by an FBI agent individually and asked if they wished to “cooperate." As every member of the house responded with some variation of “no comment," an FBI agent asked questions including: if they had information to provide about Walter Bond or the “Lone Wolf” arsons, inquiries about other roommates, and offers to have seized items returned quickly in exchange for informing on Walter Bond and others. One female at the house was told “you could really help us” by accepting an informant role and secretly providing information about me.

Bond recently received a Animal Enterprise Terrorism Charge in addition to the arson charges he initially received.

Young is a fringe character. I wrote extensively about him and his allies in a recent cover story, wherein they complain that because they are the most adamant and vocal advocates for animal rights around, they are frequently suspected of aiding "terrorists," though they deny any direct involvement in criminal activities. More than that, however, many activists across the country fear that the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act enables prosecutors to jail activists who merely voice support for lawbreakers, not merely those directly engaged in criminal activity.That worries them, in part, because while they deny direct involvement, many of them see animal liberation as akin to the Underground Railroad. If anyone in Utah will be charged with aiding terrorism simply by documenting and reporting on various acts of the Animal Liberation Front, Young is likely to be the guy. He was, after all, once convicted of releasing mink from mink farms, though he says his days of direct involvement in criminal activity are behind him and evidence to the contrary has never been provided to me by any law enforcement agencies.

Very much aware of this potential, Young’s tone on his blog is decidedly journalistic in the "just the facts ma’am" sorta way. There may be some exceptions here and there, but most all the posts I read are neutral in tone. The feds have provided no evidence since the last raid that any of the roommates are involved in criminal activity, leaving me to wonder whether they regret that raid, or are they still waiting to file charges against one of them? (It seems that it should be on or the other, no?)

Moreover, activists outside of animal advocacy are also complaining about federal law enforcement agencies. Appropriately, the Conspiracy Tour rolls into Salt Lake City tonight, an event hosted by the Boing Collective to learn about the RNC8, a group of activists arrested in advance of the Republican convention of 2008, accused of conspiracy to riot."


This is the comment I left…


Dane Gabriel Russ: 

  This comment was followed by this:  " ^ future serial killer?"  from some douche bag named John. To, which I replied:  

"Yeah…that’s what I am. I’m also eating three steaks right now.

This john guy also has great reading comprehension skills apparently. Also, I know one vegan who doesn’t piss me off, I’m not saying animals don’t have rights, but anyone intelligent can take what I just wrote for exactly what I said.

There is believing in something, and then there is being an asshole.

Same thing with the "straight edge movement" in Salt Lake a few years ago.

Assholes are assholes.

I might be a dick, but I don’t hurt anyone.

…and John W. might be retarded."

Now…honestly, I don’t give a fuck what you eat, what you care about, what you do or don’t do in your personal time. But once you start forcing those opinions onto people to the point where it is causing them damage…you simply become an asshole.  

I truly believe it is as simple as that.


"dude… ‘That worries them, in part, because while they deny direct involvement, many of them see animal liberation as akin to the Underground Railroad’, and ‘Walter Eugene Bond, the man accused of burning the Tandy Leather in Salt Lake City… and Tiburon Fine Dining in Sandy,as well as another animal enterprise in Colorado, where he’s been charged.’

Animals are rad, I have a five week old kitten in my lap as we speak, but animals are NOT PEOPLE and there is NO RELATIONSHIP to any sort of "experimentation" that goes on with animals and slavery, either here in American, or on-going in the world right now.

I’m not sure what the post was supposed to take a stance on, and I love you Arthur, you kick ass, but if some dude is burning down places, A – that is illegal, and if he is doing it for a "movement" to try to reach some sort of goal, then that is in fact terrorism by definition. I know it’s a surprise to a lot of people, but you don’t have to be from the middle east to be a terrorist.

Plus, Tiburon was fucking delicious.

Vegans are fucking douche bags. If you don’t want to eat animals, fine, don’t eat any animals or animal products, but every vegan I have ever met pushes their agenda onto other people, and then the majority take it a step further and do asshole things like burning places down.

Fuck those dicks.

If you really want to make a difference in this world and make it a better place, there are SO MANY OTHER FUCKING THINGS YOU CAN FOCUS YOUR TIME ON!

I mean, burning down a fucking restaurant is really going to help?

Fucking retards.

If some dude is actually known for commiting arson on several different occasions, then guess what? That is a federal situation, and yeah, the FBI are going to come looking for you.

Don’t get sand up in your fucking snatch when they come knocking at your door because you probably have information.

Fucking assholes.

I hate everyone.

Arthur, this was not a rant against you…I just can’t wait to die because this world is so full of fucking assholes who feel entitled to do the most douche bag things because "I feel it’s right."

Well fuck you and your feelings.

Anyone that thinks they have thoughts, feelings, and opinions that out-weigh someone elses to the point where they are going to cause damage, destruction, and hatred to them is a fucking joke to me, and they are the very reason this world is falling to shit all around us.

Save your fucking animals…it’s going to do you a lot of good when the entire structure of civilization crumbles around you, you fucking assholes."

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August 13, 2010

Dane, I am going to burn your house down if you don’t quit it.

oh trust me i know all about spam and i hate it’s guts. fortunately it only asks your email because one email is only allowed one vote a day, but it’s cool. no worries

I think people tend to forget that we are mammals. Animal rights activist don’t care if a lion is munching on some afternoon zebra face, but the minute I put a burger in my mouth I’m a murderer? For fuck’s sake. Unless you’re a termite that can survive off wood or a possum, then expect meat should be in your diet.

August 21, 2010

Well #2. I eat meat – in more ways than one – but I don’t want animals to be abused while waiting to be killed. Does that make sense? And whether someone is pushing animal rights, Jesus or a ****ing Oreck – stop knocking on my door & cramming your **** down my throat. I’m an intelligent drunk & can do my own research, if I want your service/product – I will contact YOU.