Urban dictionary




Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in
the search box, then write the definition it gives you. If there’s more
than one just pick the first one…

I eat at McDonalds a lot and watch the CW, I also like Eminem a whole bunch.


Basically, I am a really urban kind of guy.


Sometimes I will beat box, and watch the movie, "Drum Line"


and whenever I walk into a party I say "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH BOI!"


1. Your name: Dane

random person who is the best in the world!

the best guy you will ever met, he will make you laugh and smile, and deprive you of all your heart and soul, and you will love it.

Adjective for a person who is funny, a ladies man and just really awesome. people wish to be like this
Kid- I wish I was more Dane so I can get popular.

Dude, I’m the danest kid in school, all the ladies love me
A person who comes from Denmark
"Hi, I live in Denmark, so you can call me a dane"

verb: to have sex or simply have your way with the opposite sex.
Dude, last night I was naked with Stacy and I was totally going to dane her, but then my mom walked in the room.

Alternative word for penis.
Ronald threw the paper towels at my dane! Hes lucky it wasnt hard, the towels I mean!
small penis. relates to the name devon. likes to do his brother and sometimes sister, mostly boys though. danes like to jerk off a lot, but most dont have a big enough dick to. they like to try and get into girls pants but there usually to ugly to get them.most danes are faggots and posers. and they are fake. and theyre usually gay.
when dane went to a different school he only enjoyed playing football with his friends.

but then when he switched schools he started like biking because it felt like some man was jerking him off when he went over humps and he liked it because all the "cool"/ "gay" kidss were doing it

verb: to grab the ballsack of another man, usually in a frisking position.
Damn that officer just Dane’d me.

The action of agressively pushing someone off of you when they begin to lean on you as a sign of affection.
I tried to put my arm around her during the movie but I got Daned.
Asshole, dick.
Boys that are a dane are not worth it.

How an alcoholic with poor english says the word more commonly known as "damn".
Dane look what crap i come with when i posting here.
A term used to explain a male teenager who likes to think he’s scene, when he’s just kind of a poser. Usually a good boyfriend, but still really annoying. Like… REALLY ANNOYING. Like, you’re going to kill him. His nose is also quite large. Oh, and he has acne.
Also see: Squid
"Yo man… did you see that kid who was following us around Hot Topic?"
"Ew… yeah. He’s such a Dane."

Common Dane quotes:
"Oh hey dudes! Didya get the new As I Lay Dying CD? It’s EPIC! That one song’s kind of a fail though…"
"Oh, hey guys. I’m right down the street so uh… let’s hang out!"


2. Your age: 24
Arguably the worst age to be when yer shit isn’t quite together yet. Yeah you still go out and are the bee’s knees when it comes to entertainment. But them ladies want more (why dammit?!)

On the other hand, it becomes almost unfair to pick up girls with your wit and status of (hopefully) having yer own place to crash later that evening!
Girl: Hey cutie, how old are ya anyways?
Dude: Sheet girl! I’m 24! RECOGNIZE!
Girl: OMG! Can I have your abortion?

Woman: So you live by yourself or with your parents still?
Dude: Girl please! I gots me a fly mad stupid pad for y’all to play around in. I’m 24 baby!
Woman: EXCUSE ME?! I ain’t your baby! I ain’t no grrrl! I’m a woman! And you a little BITCH!
(I swear to God, that was the only answer I could find that didn’t have to do with that god-awful show)

3. one of your friends: Spencer

a great guy who cares about alot, usually very easy to talk to but can be shy; just someone who cares and is very sweet
he was being such a spencer to her last night, it was so cute 🙂
Urban slang for a pimp, or ladies man.Owner of a large penis. Known for drinking abilities and masterful guitar skills. A virtuoso in video games and electronics. Known for his friendship making skills and other social oddities.
"Dude you’re so cool, you’re such a spencer!"

A male posessing BAMF-like qualities, also very good looking.
Damn, you see that Spencer? Him and Bovice just got shot and are still standing!
Having the biggest dick.
I love to suck a guy with a Spencer!


An incarnation of Satan in human form.
Hitler was a TOTAL Spencer!


North-American Walrus found along the east coast or Central Florida. Can be found frequently in fast-food joints & public schools where it feeds on children.

Diet: Anything & everything, but prefers children.

Reprodction: Lays eggs in a "host’s" head & waits for them to hatch.

This specific breed of walrus is endangered & remains in captivity, although there have been sightings of Spencers in Southern Asia.

Weight: 745,989,493,005,996,703 lbs. when born. can grow to be much larger, though.

Known for Giving too much hw, and bitching about due dates.
Was that a White-Tailed Walrus?!

Naw, it was a "Spencer"


Getting drunk and throwing up on the floor at a friend’s house. (or on a friends jacket that you borrowed…SPENCER!)

That guy pulled a spencer at Larissa’s party by drinking too much and then throwing up on the white carpet


A code word for the word ‘shit’ often used by fans of the band Panic(!) at the Disco who are often not old enough to use swear words without getting the crap beat out of them by their parents.
Holy Spencer!!!!



4. favorite color:  blue
The feeling when u wake up at 7 in the morning and remembering it’s a monday.
"i got the monday blues"
5. The town you live in:  Salt Lake City
a city with lots of Mormons and gangsters and it seems like whoever I meet from here is on drugs.
word son, representin salt lake city to the fullest!
Salt lake city is a huge city that is full of weird rude people. Alot of bums and bad roads. A place where the streets dont have names but instead go by numbers followed by north south east west. It takes forever to get from one place to the next..The night life there sucks ass. Utah sucks
I f-ing hate salt lake city people
6. month of birth:  July
A month when mostly the hottest girls are born
That girls so hot she must be born in July


A month where the hottest men are born. every man wishes to be born in July.
Wow that guy is so sexy. He must be born in July
Someone from Spanish ethnic calling a person a liar
You said you were gonna take me out for margaritas & tacos but you didn’t show up. July to me Julyer! (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god I couldn’t stop laughing at this one for like five minutes!)



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July 21, 2009

July!!! HA! That is absolutely my new favorite word. I think I have to steal this.

July 21, 2009

Julyer!!! the hottest people are born in June! duh

July 21, 2009

I eat at McDonalds, would not listen to Eminem if a gun was held to my head, and hope to shout “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH BOI!” on my deathbed.

July 21, 2009


July 21, 2009

This was great. I’ll have to steal it.

July 21, 2009


July 22, 2009

heheh oh yea do ya, well, this kind of roach, the kind thats ruining my life today, isnt nearly as much fun as the roach youre talking about.

this is so bizarre. i was just thinking about posting an entry about urban dictionary.