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Yay! It plays. Love the song. You look skinnier – I can’t tell if it’s due to you coughing up half your being or the skinny jeans. Sucks when going out is disappointing – it usually is though, especially when alcohol is involved and HAH when isn’t it? Anyway, keep the music up cause your voice + guitar makes me happier, and that’s all that matters in life, right? Fo’ real – hope shit stops being a fucking dick to you. I’ll gladly work my kung fu on it for you if you want. No charge. I’m buying a tote by the way… if you can make one that has a speaker your voice comes out of then I might by 20… at least 20.

December 1, 2011

It sort of reminded me of Soundgarden. I approve.

December 2, 2011

um… your music doesn’t suck. i’m bookmarking you. with tits on.