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July 22, 2009

this makes me want to sing some meatloaf. really loud

July 22, 2009

an even worser surprise would be to find an unwrapped herpie infected schlong in the domino sugar box. how sweet!! and yes haha the my lil ponies. i have this ken doll at home, that i stuffed his pants so it looks like hes very well endowed. hes shirtless and his shorts are tight, the velcro is almost bursting open. thats pretty hot too, *sizzle*

*crawls up in a comfy chair to watch the chaos ensue*

July 22, 2009

lol, im sure he’d take great pleasure in that honor. i dont know about salt lake city, but those losers were like swarms of flies in ny a few years ago. my college was rampant with guys like that, pumping their fists to techno and juicin up

July 22, 2009

i used to love acrylics too but one of my painting classes forbid them, and it was strictly oils,(also forbid us to use pure white or pure black..fun!) just to get over the hump, took a bit of a nose dive to move on from acrylics.. theyre more forgiving! and not to mention easier to clean up. but if you can handle acrylic paint, then you can definitely handle oils..just takes some getting used to


July 22, 2009

i can totally relate. its tricky with teh oils, but sometimes i try to lay out the darkest parts all over the canvas, then add on to it later on once its gotta a thin dried layer (it will still be wet inside, like if you cut the paint with a knife or something), and i usually use a separate brush for every color so that the paint can stay separate, and not totally get devoured by teh darker colors

July 22, 2009

like if im using dark blue for instance, then want to add yellow, its fruitless to dab the same brush in the yellow bc its going to disappear…separate brush for sure. it is annoying how long it takes to dry but in a way that kind of makes it like heartier.. someone told me it can take years for a really impasto painting to dry. some one my stuff from a few years ago.. its still mushy, so its

July 22, 2009

definitely still wet somewhere under all the layers. also helps to maybe work on a few things at a time. so you can come back to it once its kind of dried a little. anyway/… this was a lengthy note!

July 22, 2009

ooo i love how turpenoid will kind of thin the paint, and make it drip. i did that a lot in some of my animal paintings to create the landscape. very cooL! maybe one day you can post some of your paintings! i love having artsy fartsy talk.. this is probably one of the only things i miss from school. everything else…good riddance!!!

July 22, 2009

listen, if youre talented..you are talented, and thats not going to go away just because you chose to do something else “full-time” or wahtever ya kno? thats awesome you have a lot going for you. and whenever you feel the inspiration to draw or paint is when you should do it. everyone has their draughts. but im really excited about this barter, i feel like of happy that youre going to sit down and

July 22, 2009

make something so we can swap! im pumped for that! and ya know doodling or drawaing on books, or wahtever is soooooo great for the mind. i do it all the time, my work notebook is covered in shit thats pretty ugly and pointless. but its like the mental garbage coming out. ya know whatever! just go with the flow, something will come to you. dont try to make something cool, just make anything!

July 22, 2009

and you cant think about the scholarships bc the whatifs will drive anyone nuts. you chose to go with your dream for music.. and thats continuous, so theres nothing to dwell on or wonder about. your visual arts talents will always be there and art school is overrated anyway… they fill you up with a bunch of bs in undergrad, then throw you into the dog pit in mfa programs, only to give you

July 22, 2009

a hearty handshake and pat on the back when you graduate… then youre tossed into the world with basically nowhere to go!!! hence my day job lol. =P

July 22, 2009

im jealous lol i hope to get some saki and catch a buzz with dinner! 🙂 dont be down on yourself. some people have ZERO creativity in their lives. they go day to day mindless and punching numbers or whatever it is! creative souls–the luckiest kind. and so just keep believing in yourself, its apparent a lot of people believe in you,,,even if noone else cares about what you/i/whoeevr makes or

July 22, 2009

composes or does, its a compilation! its ever lasting and it keeps growing.. if you keep doin it! soooooo ya know, do it up 🙂

hahah, aahhh thank you for making me laugh.

July 22, 2009

“Saturn is going into Virgo.” If Virgo wasn’t drugged, it’s consensual. “world war 3 is going to start.” Events such as eclipses have no effect on human conflicts. WWIII would start only if nuclear weapons were launched by the U.S., China, or Russia. Otherwise, you have six minutes of eclipse in China, and then life goes on. ” and middle eastern women can’t have babies today” Sure they can, if their babies decide to get born. Where are you GETTING this twaddle?

July 22, 2009

RYN: ON your deathbed, wouldn’t you scream, “I’m GOING! I’M GOING!” Would Satan want to sodomize us when he’d caused us to be screwed for most of our lives? And we ALL descend from black Africans, so how come we can’t all rap?

July 22, 2009

RYN: I don’t worry about the superstitions in East Asia. I worry about the nukes.

July 22, 2009

I’m going to be in Utah in a few days o.O

July 23, 2009

that sounds like some high caliber chop sticking!

July 23, 2009

I keep thinking of the following lyrics: ‘And I need you more than ever, it’s a total eclipse of the heart…’ Man, I need to go rock out to that song.

July 23, 2009

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pad thai is the shit!!!! its the best invention yet! i want some now, i told miss michelle that she needs it in her life, immediately. i think she’ll thank me and yea hahah the buns were meant to POp*!! boom sha boom. i get really pissed at all the men in the world and i take it out on all of you by making lewd gestures on paper. maybe i can make a tv show one day with hot guys

July 23, 2009

parading around in loin clothes, like they all have to be johnny depp lookalikes to be on my show. and they all have to sound nice and smell nice and look nice all the time. they dont have to giggle tho.. thats probably more of a turn off. just sayin’

July 23, 2009

Ahaha! Partial birth abortion.

July 23, 2009

lol I’m not exactly sure where I’m going to be…I’m traveling with my uncle and we’re just sort of going where the wind takes us. I’m currently in Farmington, New Mexico right now. God what a shitty state. It’s like someone took a huge dump and rolled it all over the place. We’ll be in Vegas though, maybe next week, you should come 🙂 I’ll be you a drink since god forgot about both of us.