The inevitable, and I.

Under the Texas sun, moisture evaporates.
Creates the blanket of humidity.
Something I feel comfortable in, somewhere I don’t feel comfortable at all.

I am the stranger in the strange land.
I am the appreciate guest, the smiling beggar, the thankful whore.
Selling myself.
Selling them.
Always selling and ignoring the fundamentals.

Who and what I am.
The things I have come to stand for.


All of the traits that have taken me so long to foster and grow…they all seem to be betraying me right now.

In order to make the money I need to make to create a better situation for what the situation expects, I have to revert back to the shark I once was.
But when I sense blood in the water, I want to mend instead of devour.

Have I grown soft?

I am a killer in my heart, but also a protector…and now the side of me that wants to protect is becoming the larger, stronger, fiercer warrior inside of me.

My fire is no longer for myself, my fire is for the world around me.


And so it is, that I find myself alone and lost…a stranger in a strange land…grappling with who I once was and who I have now become.

I find myself frustrated, but also at peace.

Forever at war with myself, it seems, but for once the side that fights for purity, light, and justice is winning.


And I wonder to myself, the words of an ancient and dear friend; "Where are you supposed to start when you don’t believe in ends or beginnings?"


And finally the voice of the universe, the gods, the energy that connects everything in this universe, the Aether itself…it responds to me in a gentle and soothing voice.

"I think you just pick a point…a point of reference."


And as, what I understand myself to be from life to life, a Warrior of the Light, I smile.

I have that point of reference.

I alone know where I have been and where I want to be.

And I put one more foot in front of the other.

I find the courage to continue in the face of what appears to be impossible.

What appears to be inevitable.

…and I.


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May 12, 2013

I knew it! Warrior of the Light.

May 13, 2013

Same here, man!

May 13, 2013

I think some of us people came here with a heightened sense, a set of sensitivities, that makes us feel set apart from those less effected by the intense energies of this realm. We arent truly set apart but the illusion of separation can make one feel so alone.

May 13, 2013

Except for when we find the others like us, the sensitive ones, who think and feel similar to us. And so, this creates special ties to one another not soon forgotten here on Earth. So we remember we are warriors of Light, and things kind of make sense again. At least the dull inner pain of the veil of the illusion is realized for what it is and subsides.

Turn out the light! R: Man, it’s hard to argue when you’re right. I mean, you already proved it with the Taco Bell thing.

May 13, 2013

Indeed we have. Its been weird. I often feel like I’m in a movie – and I’m one of the few who is aware that its a movie at all. Speaking with most folks these days… feels like we are speaking different languages, or something. So its easy to spot an awakening soul. Because the “different” frequencies are becoming all too obvious, to me.

May 13, 2013

“Eyes open, no fear.”

May 13, 2013

So I must ask, how far down the rabbit hole have you fallen? 🙂

May 13, 2013

Isn’t it astounding what a year or two has changed in terms of awareness and perception? Truly. My awareness is so keen. It always was but its amped up ten fold. I’d love to hear your experience.