Temporary Insanity

It’s what most people plead after they murder their spouse and whoever they caught them in bed with.

Amazingly it usually gets people off (no pun intended).

Since I like darkness and violence and most things macabre, I wrote a song called Temporary Insanity when I was in Half-Step. It basically just starts off with dude killing his wife, then the lyrics are basically him talking to her corpse as he is dragging it through the woods, trying to find a spot where he will kill himself.

"They’ll find you next to me or not at all."


Romantic huh?


You know you think it is.





A lot of Half-Step lately right?

I miss playing an electric guitar. Acoustics are just fine and dandy but I want to make some fucking noise again. I want to feel the sound…nothing quite like playing so loud you can feel it.

Anyway, it’s always good after almost breaking up with someone to have a lot of sex afterwards. With them of course. If you almost break up with someone and then go have a lot of sex without them, you are probably going to really break up.

Just a heads up.

But yeah, having lots of sex is good advice.

It’s also good advice to handcuff them and listen to the downward spiral. When closer comes on it’s really naaaaaaasty. You’re just like, "Uh…I wanna fuck you like an animal mmmmmmmmmmm uuuuuuh graaaaaaaaaghkakakakakakaka"

"graaaaaaaaaaaghkakakakakaka" is the sound I make when I fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


It’s hot.


I want to buy a chicken and a rooster and have them make me delicious eggs all the time, and then after a while I can kill them both and eat some chicken soup or something.

I think this is a pretty ecenomicaly sound idea.

Plus, I can give them cool names like bbq and Tereyaki.

Their babies can be called scrambled and fried.


I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore.




I feel sick today, lots of snot and lung butter and aches and pains.

I think Imma try to sleep for an hour before I go run around and turn in and pick up some applications. In my mind I said "Applications" with a french accent and I would prefer if you did the same thing when reading it, just the first one, not the one in quotes.

No, seriously if you didn’t do that go back and read it again and do it.

…or be a dick about it, whatever. Your loss.


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October 4, 2010

Ryn– YES. ^_^

October 4, 2010

Yeah..it was totally my idea to listen to Nine Inch Nails while we got it ON!

u have no idea……