Take it softly

"Take your time, I’m on my back.
Merely a whisper, it seems, has caused this avalanche.
How can I forgive myself and still take all the blame?
Look into your eyes and tell me what you see…and is it me?

So take it softly.

I have been free, but I’ve been so bored, I cannot find a way to take this softly.

Nobody ever seems to know the things we do to ourselves when we are alone.
I’m digging a bed for myself, god grant me pleasant dreams.
If I wake too soon just sing me back to sleep…

So take this softly.

I have been free, but I’ve been so bored, I cannot find a way to take this softly."


When I was seventeen I was in this band called Half-Step.

Not the best name looking back on it, but we were pretty good for a bunch of kids.

With my future imploding infront of me I have been getting sort of nostalgic for some things. Listening to way too much Half-Step for sure.

Take it softly was the first song I had written that I had ever heard on the radio…pretty cool I guess, except that we did all of the recordings ourselves and they could definitely sound better. But they don’t.


If anyone would like to hear some of the first Half-Step stuff you can check it out here.


Unfortunately our professional studio EP is not on the internets anywhere…and I have all of the initial scratch tracks for what was going to be our first professional studio album, but we broke up before we got to finish anything because I fuck everything up if I think there is a chance it can make me happy.


It’s a damn shame because the album itself was going to be awesome, it had a song about suicide called P.D.A.

Yeah…pretty sweet.


I’m just going to be self indulgent and go for it.


"Maybe I love you, maybe I don’t.
But I cannot feed you unless you’re willing to choke.
Because I’m fucking jealous.
Horny and bored.
I cannot hold you, lest my fingertips burn.

Maybe you’d love me more if I…

Now that we’re over and I am still here.
I fall in the forest with no one to hear
Cuz time passes nicely when I am stoned.
I’ll give you my patience if you give me a home.

Maybe you’d love me more if I…

Maybe you’d love me more if I died
But I’m still alive and I’m only half dead
you’re merely waiting for the other half

Maybe you’d love me more if I…

Maybe you’d love me more if I died
But I’m still alive and I’m only half dead
You’re merely waiting for the other half…

Maybe you’d love me more if I died."


The song is really base heavy, a slow sexy kinda groove thing…super bratty.

Being a teenager was fun.


Being an adult who feels about as mature as a teenager kind of blows.




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September 28, 2010

I totally said “Base heavy” haha. Cool.

September 28, 2010

I like that song. ryn: yeah after I’m out of cans/bottles, what else is there left to do but feel sad, or atleast anything but happy. What a crock..it’s not that traditional sad either, it’s that sad that only ****ing can solve hahah..atleast for me.

September 28, 2010

ryn: Yeah I was way happier while stoned..when I’m drunk I just chainsmoke and annoy my friends with dumbass drunk questions..bless there hearts, tolerant bastards they is.

September 28, 2010

ryn: Lmao, man I’m too skinny to start tweeking. Coke is fashionable though..expensive, but still the thing. Yeah, who knew that it’d be a barrel of ****ing monkeys just trying to get internet service for a ****ing laptop.

September 28, 2010

Boobies you ask for, Boobies you’ll have. Check out my 09-15-201o entry, Grounds for Divorce. I also read in your lyrics line 1 “Take your time, I’m on my back. so you also find a connection there.

I enjoyed this entry and your lyrics, but I’m not really sure if it’s because it is legitimately interesting, or if it’s because I am vain, and it feels a little bit like looking into a cracked mirror. *tilts her head* Haha.. I say “eff” all the time. I thought I was the only one!