Step on a crack and Break Dane’s back…

 For some stupid fucking reason my back is fucked up.

Really fucked up.


It started last night when I got out of  class (It’s not Art Institute yet, I am doing this classes for two months before I start AI in October). I don’t know if it is because it is a three hour class and the chairs are the least comfortable chairs I have ever sat in or what…but I can hardly walk right now. 

It might have to do with the fact that I have been sleeping on love sacks, floors, and couches for the last month or so. I dunno…but last night I got to sleep in a futon, and I thought that would totally help my back…but it really didn’t. Here is basically my night of "sleep" last night:  So I don’t sleep very well anymore because I’m not drinking, I was drinking a few beers here and there, but now I am on my third day of straight up sobriety. So most of my nights are spent with my eyes open pissed off that I am not sleeping. 

Last night I couldn’t sleep, AND my back was killing me, and then my legs started to kill me too…I think I finally got some sleep around 5:30 am but every time I would sleep I would have these horrible nightmares about her, and I would wake up in about fifteen to twenty minutes pissed off and hurting…then fall back asleep…more nightmares about her…rinse and repeat. 


So now it is 11:26 am and I have had probably about five hours of sleep all together in the last three days. 


It sucks pretty fucking bad.


So, I guess I am going to take a bath or something and try to nap. Maybe a bath will help my back. It seriously feels like I pinched a nerve or something. 


Yup…that’s about it. 


But, I did get my homework done yesterday.


I am a good little student. 


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August 27, 2009

oh shit, i think now i owe you like, 10 bucks or something, right? and back to school!!! got all your nice trapper keepers and pencil cases out?? sweet hope your back feels better… do some stretches if ya can. theyre underrated

August 27, 2009

ryn: I’ll make sure to steer you clear of that entry. It’s a great topic though, I do think you should read. I hate it when I eff up my back. I can’t even think of a good cure right now. Walk around in heels all day, that seems to help…

August 27, 2009

Ryn: No worries man. Just glad you’re doing well. I spent a month sleeping on my living room floor. Between that and messing it up working on the loading dock, I could barely walk some days.


August 27, 2009

Snatch up some Valerian root product… it’ll help you sleep. 🙂


August 27, 2009

Your back pain MIGHT be from crappy futons, couches, etc., or it could be from kidney or liver damage. Considering the abuse you’ve heaped on your body, you might want to have some blood tests.

Advil is great for back pain. Do you think something like xanax would help you sleep? Maybe if you took one befroe bed? By the way you could always note back. 😉

Advil is great for back pain. Do you think something like xanax would help you sleep? Maybe if you took one before bed? By the way you could always note back. 😉

September 7, 2009

I’m sorry about the sleeping and your back; hopefully you’re feeling a lot better by now. But I’m so proud of you!!! Going back to school and going completely sober! You are amazing, my dear.