
 Had myself a little mini panic attack on Friday. 


Nothing I couldn’t handle. 


I’m okay though.
I made it.
I’m alive. 


So anyway…

I guess things are pretty cool right now…well, in the world of Dane and the Death Machine. 


Vices and Devices is a cursed project and it is never going to be made, ever. Not in a million fucking years. I have come to accept that, that is fine. 

So instead Alec and I started working on a new EP. Alec has actually been writing some pretty awesome guitar licks, and we have been jamming off of eachother. 


Rock in Ry an Jones is going to be playing on the album (ep? I dunno, whatever. It’s going to have like seven tracks, so take it how you will…maybe a mini album? Albumette?) So that is going to be way awesome. 


So far the three tracks we have finished (as far as writing) are totally fucking awesome.

1 – Hemophiliac
2 – Some things never change
3 – Sixth shot from the six shooter


The other four tracks still need to be sculpted a little more.

But I have been crazy manic creative this last week…like, out of my fucking mind just drawing and writing songs and jamming just to jam… all alone, by myself, on top of a mountain. 


I would like to think so.


Oh, and we are going to film the second official Dane and the Death Machine music video on either the 16th or the 17th of October. It depends on what day we end up getting the studio that we are renting out…well, we are not renting it out, the production company is renting it out…but yeah. So that’s cool.

What song is it going to be to?




That’s for me to know, and you all to find out!


But we have a professional photographer coming to take pictures of the filming, kind of a "behind the scenes" thing, and then I am going to be taking a bunch of flip videos…then we are going to hype it all up and shiiiiiat, and then maybe I will let you boys and girls have a peek at the awesomeness which will be this music video. 


And then…uh…


Oh yeah, the new EP is going to be called "medicine head"

And the artwork for it will be fantastic, we already have it all planned out, and we’re going to do those little cardboard sleeve things you know? Yeah…I am setting up a paypal account tomorrow so if you guys want to buy some "collectors edition" Dane and the Death Machine cd’s you can just go right on ahead.


We already have a studio picked out too, it’s going to be pretty awesome. $20 an hour and the guy really knows his shit, he’s really fast so we will definitely be getting our moneys worth.


And then….


That’s all.





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September 21, 2009

me don’t know you..but me likes..random noter..

September 21, 2009

‘albumette’. that’s cute. hemophilia’s that blood disorder, right? ‘WELL!’. as though it’s exciting. awwww. er. either that or exasperating. ‘and then………’ *waits*………..oh. sorry. but hi. saw you on the front page. I, on the other hand, haven’t been writing as much. Sometimes I’ll start thinking up a slam poem but I usually don’t write it down….so…

I’m glad that things are better. Lots of people have panic attacks. I had a horrible one on Saturday but was fine within a few hours (I had some help from xanax).

September 22, 2009

yea panic attacks blow. last one i had was while holding a razor blade!! to shave my lovely legs and i thought i was gonna die or cut myself on accident in the shower. NOT COOL… glad youre feelin better tho. sorry to hear about vices and devices..maybe youll come back to it one day.

September 22, 2009

People like you get to decide the future of music. EPs, albums, singles… No one really has to be bound by these anymore. You can make what you want and get it into the hands of people. Living in the future is awesome.

September 22, 2009

albumette is a fantastic word, jamming on a mountain would be beyond epic and I’m super stoked to hear your new stuff =D

September 22, 2009

I meant living in the future as in we’re all carrying around little devices that do more than the little radios people carried on old sci fi shows, and there are machines that fax three dimensional objects, and ice cream shops that serve 5 different kinds of chocolate ice cream.

September 22, 2009

Also, internets friends. How can you get for futuristic than that?

September 22, 2009

I must have this albumette you speak of. Hey, btw, now that you’re not working in Hell anymore, will FINALLY tell me what you did????? lol