Sixth shot from the six shooter

 This DDM album has really sucked to write. 

I mean…it has really fucking been hard. 

I have been dealing with some things that I have mostly avoided for the last 8 months. And I have also found out that there are some new things that eat my brain these days. 

It’s fucking painful.

After the actual writing process is done, and we are finished with the album, and we begin to start performing the songs live, I think these songs have the potential to become cathartic…but as of right now I am just in the eye of the storm.


It sucks to realize that something you are doing can make you feel like shit, and to have to force yourself to keep going because you know the end result is going to be something you can look back on and have forever, a sonic photograph of a period of life. A memory that can never be erased…maybe even something to eventually be proud of.


I dunno…


I guess here is an example of what I’m talking about.


It’s the last few lines from a song called Sixth Shot from the Six Shooter


"Yeah? So what if I did see what was shining on your face?
All it ever made me feel was out of place…
And I’m sorry I made you fall so hard for me you’d never stand, but…
You obviously had no problem…no, you had no qualms with just walking away…

And now I’m here alone, this thunderstorm my only light
I draw your face, yeah I paint your face one hundred times
because you’re still haunting me, and I’m still all torn up inside
So I rip up these sketches, and let the canvas feed the fire

Watch your face burn…so I can forget what you look like

No, I don’t want to dream about you ever again
Yeah, I still get sick about it when I hear your name
So I keep my heart at the bottom of a bottle
Keep my heart at the bottom of a bottle
I keep my heart at the bottom of a fucking bottle…

And I still cheat at all these drinking games…"


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September 25, 2009

“So I rip up these sketches, and let the canvas feed the fire Watch your face burn…so I can forget what you look like” –i like those 2 lines a lot. ur kinda forcing yourself to work through your shit right now… cant be easy!

September 25, 2009

Do you ever run into times when you’re writing a song, but things change or you change during the process and the song doesn’t mean anything anymore? It’s no where near the same as what you’re creating, but I run into that a lot here. Something happens that I want to write about here, but as I’m writing it out, my view of it changes and my new (rational) view isn’t something worth expressing.

September 25, 2009

it must be and will continue to be a hard process but i don’t think it will be for nothing. I think it could b highly therapeutic.

Sometimes, but ONLY SOMETIMES, I wish we could chill in person. I’d let you ramble about things and then I’d say something insensitive and then after the laughing and offended looks, I’d give you my true opinion. Minds are weird. Suppression is a bitch. I hate when the past comes back in a way that hurts me. I wish running away was a realistic solution to everything. And no, I don’t wanna grow

up. Can’t make me, Dane!

September 27, 2009

Pretty decent lyric, though I generally don’t go for mushy romantic stuff. Writing is easy, though. You just have to sit down and work until beads of blood appear on your forehead.

October 4, 2009

You should let me write a song, ok? And I get to name it “Dane is gay” so that way every time you sing it you’d know how gay you were.

how’s Daneamus?

October 6, 2009

You’re no fun :-/