Oh shit? Oh shit is right!

"Where is my shrink and my marriage license?"


Oh my god…all I have to do is get through today and tomorrow and then I will be in the presence of Brand New.



I just pissed myself a little.


Blondie is fucking awesome.


She is upbeat and smart and funny and really good at cuddling…which is kind of a must for me.


I’m still really on gaurd with her.


But yeah…so far it’s nice and easy and just…well almost relaxing to just have someone to hang around with and have everything be so care free.


We haven’t really asked eachother about our pasts or backgrounds or anything…it’s just all kind of in the moment, and right now the moment is all I can handle.


A lot of people have been telling me lately that living alone was a failed experiment, that I need to get a (maybe a few?) roomate(s).

I think that’s probably smart.


So yeah…my computer is still fucked.

A bunch of people at school have gotten the same virus somehow.

It’s weird.


I dunno…


Gotta get that shit fixed.


So, other than that…I’m going to go home now, I just got done with math class and it’s time to go drink and then sleep a much deserved night of a rest.


Well…I don’t really know if I actually did anything to deserve it but still…that’s what I’m going to do.


So suck it!


Hahaha…last night Alec and I had this terrible urge for burrito’s at two in the morning.


We ended up driving to Beto’s (the best 24 hour mexican place ever) and each got a breakfast burrito AND we split a grande carne asada Quesadilla with guac and sour cream…holy shit. And Blondie’s dad lives in Costa Rica and brought her back some awesome super spicy sauce shits…man…Alec and I were farting pretty much all morning, which made us glad we are boys…then we started to wonder if girls will just sit around in their underwear drinking beers and farting loudly infront of eachother at 10:00 am….


We came to the conclusion that they probably hang out in their underwear sometimes…and they might fart…but the difference is where girls might fart infront of eachother and giggle a little bit, a guy will turn to his friend and congratulate him on his "nice out".


It hink that is the fundamental difference between guys and girls.


The end.





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January 27, 2010

Me and my best girls used to sit around, drink beer, watch bad pornos, and fart. We are pretty good at hiding that kinda stuff from you men.

I am so glad that you’re hanging out with Blondie & just letting things happen. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

January 27, 2010

blondie sounds ****ing awesome!!! good **** sooooo yea sometimes my friends will fart in front of each other…dare say ive done it a handful of times myself! but ur right, we will giggle then attack the perpetrator with airspray whereas boys feel great triumph and success if it smells especially bad or hits a high decibel.

yeah, well, your FACE is gay. ANYWAYS, the true difference between guys and girls is that guys sound like **** when they orgasm.

OH MAN! at first i thought you actually cuddled with BLONDIE! was like JEALOUSY!!!!