That would be a good name for a sit-com. At the end of every episode, after Obama got caught up in some crazy antics and apologized to the nice man at the bicycle shop, his family could all look at him and say, "Oh…Bama." and he could shrug and have a sheepish grin and then the canned laughter would happen, and I would chuckle loudly while throwing pop corn into my face while I sit on a yoga mat on the floor in grease stained whitey’tighties and a similarly stained under shirt.

But the under shirt would be black.

Because Obama is white and black.

But mostly black.

And I hear not a native to america.

But luckily being a native to the United States isn’t a qualification for being president, because if it was, I wouldn’t believe any of this anti-Obama speak saying he wasn’t born in America.

I think what I like most about Obama is that, before he became the president he was on a lot of magazine covers. I really felt like I knew him you know? Plus, Green Day really liked him, and I really like Green Day. I feel like they speak to me. Plus, they were in the Simpsons movie, and I’ll be damned if the Simpsons aren’t still as funny and relevant today as they were twenty years ago!

One time, I read an article about how Obama went and got a hamburger, I LOVE HAMBURGERS!

HE IS JUST LIKE ME! …except more black.

Liking a black man makes me progressive.

I also like all of the stuff Obama promised before he was elected. He basically said he would save the world. Can you believe it? SAVE THE WORLD! That is amazing. Purely and simply amazing.

He hasn’t done it yet, but I’m sure he is going to get around to it soon when he is done with all those hamburgers.

I also like how he has put social issues on the back burner. And I like how he doesn’t feel the need to be a square and take a firm stance on things like Prop 8.

Being openly opposed to gay marriage, yet saying it is unconstitutional to single out a certain group,  was DEFINITELY the correct, if not only, way to handle that situation. I mean…gay people are so gay. But are they not people?

I guess that’s why they call them gay…people.

I mean, before this I had never really thought of them as people.

Or gay for that matter.

Just kind of…carbon based thingy dingies that walk around being on tv shows and making people laugh with their sassy wit.

Thanks Obama!


A president shouldn’t have to take a stance on anything really.

And if people don’t understand that the things a future president says during a debate are just things that people say, and not something they should be held to follow through on, well then that’s THEIR problem! 

C’mon, who hasn’t made a bunch of empty promises about reform?

I know I have. hehe…jesus, have I ever.

Anyway, I feel like I should start wrapping this up.

So in summary:


Green Day

The Simpsons




I am very progressive…



Well shit…there was one more thing I talked about in this entry.

What the hell was it?


Oh yeah!





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August 5, 2010

Oh this was fantastic! Really if you circulated this via mass email I’d actually read it 🙂 bravo

August 5, 2010

we should sprinkle some meth on top of our dinner, it takes like faerie dust which means it really tastes like salt and pepper and when you turn the lights off it glows infrared. its like magiK with a K because a k at the end of magi means something really special and its like a dream. then we wake up from the dream and someone farts and then we all get mad about it and run around whipping our tails around and dancing on our big tip toes. and then when the toes begin to hurt we cry and hug each other and dip them in honey so that the faeires bring us more meth and magik with a K yep

August 5, 2010

the ones in glasses, you mean my eyeballs? they are in glasses but they arent very thirst quenching, if you mean the margarita, well thats long gone, and if you mean the vodka tonic w cranberry, well thats dead and gone too. but if you like, tonight when i have some red wine i can telepathically send you a sip or two, but only that much because im selfish and very territorial with my booze and ionly share a tiny taste.

August 5, 2010

niceeeeeeeeeee. we are SO DAMN TRENDY i cant take it. i think i just died

August 5, 2010

ryn: thx 4 reading nd sharing. ur deep insight and certainty from such a small pool of evidence is quite miraculous. if only i possessed such powers! be well, keep writing <3

August 5, 2010

yes im so ****ing hip im rotting and oozing all sorts of green ****,,,right out of my eyeballs and my fingers fell off bc they molded over. ugh, i impress my former self

August 5, 2010

ryn: im afraid i didn’t read all the parts of ur note b4 i wrote u back. it was separated amongst other notes nd i didnt realize. being an atheist to me doesn’t mean there is no god. it just means that i have no reason to believe in one until there’s evidence. thx 4 ur time.

August 5, 2010


August 5, 2010

ryn: on the contrary. i never said i wasn’t sure. i do not believe in god because there is no reason for me to. there is no uncertainty. but i dont want 2 nit pick anymore. be well <3

August 5, 2010

Dane, as much as what I said and did may have annoyed you, I think you are a good writer and quite funny regardless. Yet, I just keep hearing “stupid” and “idiot” playing over and over in my head. You’re just a stranger, and you shouldn’t matter…but still what you said was hurtful. I just wanted to suggest that you be mindful of how you comment. Some people are more sensitive than me. Be well <3

August 6, 2010

ryn: i appreciate the apology. be well <3

i laughed through this entire thing. -nods- you are very progressive for liking him.