My brain and I hate eachother.

For the last few days I have had this increasingly growing feeling that horrible things are happening, or will happen.

I don’t get it.

I don’t have any real reason to believe this, and yet here I am with a knot in my stomach.

It’s a big one. The kind that feels like someone is really in there, wringing out your guts like a filthy wash rag.

Sometimes it almost feels like a hot flash of anger towards something that I don’t even think exists…towards something that I can’t even really explain. I don’t even know what I am fucking angry at, but it comes over me as a literal heat, followed by a sickening chill.

I have had panic attacks before, but this is different.

I have felt like I was going to throw up for brief moments twice in the last hour, because whatever it is that I think is going wrong is too much to tolerate.


I swear to god that my brain is just trying to torture me…


I guess I can’t say that I don’t deserve it. With all of the drugs I have done in my life, I can understand if it’s time for a little pay back.

Or maybe I just did too many and I’m actually just this out of touch with reality.


I don’t even get feelings like this over horrible things I know for a fact have happened.

It’s always these made up bull-shit little things.

A seed gets planted…and as it grows, my brain slowly chips away at my mental stability until I am finally just going crazy over nothing.


"Time to get the seeds into the cold ground, it takes a while to grow anything."


I don’t get it.


I don’t like feeling like this.


I think I just want to go to sleep. It’s almost five, if people can start getting hammered at this time, then it should be perfectly suitable for me to call it a night.


Fuck this.


"Before you put my body in the cold ground, take some time and warm it with your hands…before it’s coming to the end."

Log in to write a note

**** it. Sleep doesn’t have a set hour. Do what you want.

September 3, 2010

I don’t know if you’re religious or not, but whenever I get those feelings, I try to double on my bible reading. . .for reassurance, I guess. Cause those sick BAD feelings are NEVER wrong. And if you’re no religious, then I apologize! I’m not trying to be a virtual missionary, here.

I saw you on the front page. What you are describing is chronic anxiety.

September 3, 2010

well. im sitting at home alone… making halloween decorations, angry for whatever reason, drinking vodka and blueberry juice. feeling like an asshole that im passive aggressively drowning my current issues. eh… it happens. i hope you feel better. *cheers*

September 4, 2010

I hate anxiety.

September 4, 2010

Well, as long as you ain’t all cracked out, I say pay attention to your gut. Just be careful until it passes.