Okay, this one is pretty cool. It’s like we fell down the waterfall. Dead to the max.



And then Alec looking all cute and vulnerable. 


Someone give him a hug!

And this is what it looks like when we’re checking you out…

It’s like, "hey baby, you climb waterfalls often?"

And then I guess there is me with sunglasses on…because I’m too cool for the sun



And then this is what Salt Lake City looks like…



It goes on for fucking ever. I think there is a little over a million people living in this valley now…too bad 999,000 of them are all fucking douche bags. But I guess that is every city right?


And then…this is what happens after a night of bar hopping in Long Beach



I drank a lot of beer…


So then we ended up going to the 711 to gather some supplies, but the attendant didn’t think we were fun people at all and made me turn my camera off, at which point I started saying "fuck you" over and over to him…




…drunk much?


Anyway, this is the end of the gas station adventure, and in this video you can actually hear me saying "fuck you" to the attendant as I turned the camera back on. hahaha, oh life. What the hell?




I just like the question, "Wha do?"  hahaha, I don’t even get it. 

AAAAAAaaaaaaanyway,k there is one more video from the end of that night, but I am going to have to put it in my next entry because this entry is way too full of weird bullshit.


the end.



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September 10, 2009

Nice pics. The one at the top is freaky but cool.

September 10, 2009

Alec plays dead way better than you.

September 10, 2009

random noter: Saw you on the front page, those were by far the most amusing videos i’ve seen in a while! fantastic! =D

September 10, 2009

Okay, enough photos and videos of lean, hirsute young men surviving booze and chemicals that would kill me at my age!

September 10, 2009

LOL I love your narration. This is Wes, doing something with something. Fuggin fantastic!

September 10, 2009

r: Don’t feel like as ass. I left all of those notes on the same day after checking my diary for the first time in like two weeks and getting your note lol. As for what you’re going through, I wish I had some words of wisdom from you, but you know I’m just as fvcked up as the rest of us. What I can tell you, though, is that I’m always here. You know how to find me, and I hope that you do.

September 10, 2009

haaaaaaaaaaa messing with the 711 guy is the best! he was a disgruntled lil guy…. not a people person at all

September 10, 2009

RYN: Well, Jesus, if I’m going to party with you (which WOULD kill me), I’d expect you to throw LOTS of stuff at me! Which reminds me of the virgin who went out with a fishing fleet and came back with a red snapper!

Love the pics. You’re a cutie. I’ll have to watch the videos another time. Since I’m not sure what happened to the phone (and there’s no need to explain) do you want me to see if I can get you another phone? The only thing is it won’t be brand new, it would be used and most likely it would be a blackberry which you could use as a phone & for text messages. I’ll keep my eyes. Let me knowif you’re interested. .

September 10, 2009

I agree with above noter. You’re definitely a cutie, and you have a very pleasant mouth….I’m just sayin… I love at the end when you throw the popper like a girl…or rather like a drunk dude, and it doesn’t bust. Hilarious!

September 10, 2009

Beards are good. kinsey.

September 11, 2009

hottie. Fursure.

September 11, 2009

RYN: haha well I said your mouth was pleasant…not necessarily including what comes out of it ::winks:: though I do find what does come out is highly entertaining…even the “vulgar” bits.

September 11, 2009

These pictures are even more awesome!

no pickcha. no bullshitting aroun ok?

I have decided to contradict everything everyone else is saying in your diary. GOD, DANE! You are SO ugly. I don’t KNOW what these PEOPLE are TALKING about! (I also happen to be hitting my keyboard keys really hard thinking it’ll emphasize what I’m saying even more, but it’s not working.) OH, right, and your laugh sounds like a hyena donkey hybrid. And your lips? LIKE A FISH! Why do you think I

call you Danefish? Umm, I actually am starting to like your hair again. What happened to the toupe? Man, you’re never going to talk to me again. Accidental is right. ALec looks way more dead than you. Also, where is SUPERMAN?! I miss him and the trio we used to be. Can’t we go back? Please?

Also, I want a video of you singing a Shakira song. Chop, chop! I don’t have all weekend!

September 12, 2009

RYN: I assure you that, if I partied with you, I would die. I’ll just stay here and enjoy your slow suicides vicariously.

September 13, 2009

oh you and Alec are so TOTALLY checking me out! I KNEW it! love the pics. the vids are priceless. you are WAY more smouldering that Alec.