Long time, no type.
I don’t have very much to really update on.
I fell asleep a little before ten, woke up just a little bit ago…it’s really hot in here. I need to get back to sleep, but it’s just too damn hot.
I could go for a beer right now…
I left my phone charger at my guitar players house. My phone is probably going to die soon, stupid.
I want to quit smoking, but I guess it’s addictive? Weird. They should probably put some sort of warning label on those things.
Sometimes I wish I was certified to go scuba diving, but then I start to really think about it and I don’t think I have the balls for it. Deep water is pretty scary to me, and there are too many fast things that would try to eat me. I wouldn’t stand a chance. Plus, I would rather die almost any other way besides drowning.
I drive a mini-van because I’m just awesome in general. Unfortunately my transmission is going out, so soon I’m going to be driving a Nothing.
I guess I got a twenty dollar parking ticket at the community college…I just got an E-mail that said I now owe the school $270.
I got a real letter saying I owe the Art Institute a little over a grand.
I don’t feel like I got over a thousand dollars worth of education, but hey, maybe if I was more educated I would understand how much it is all really worth.
Rachael is part chinese, so she got some cards and stuff for Chinese New Year, but now I have been hearing a lot about "The Year Of The Rabbit" and it’s kind of blowing my mind because I wouldn’t have known if not for Rachael…is it just super hip to get into Chinese New Year lately? Like this last summer, the world cup was suddenly just the most awesome thing ever to all of these people…don’t get me wrong, soccer is cool and all, but America is not particularly known for enjoying the Futeball. People are weird, and how come no one tells me what’s going to be cool in advance? How do I get on this mailing list?
I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened, but I am officialy a "beard guy". This realisation came to me the last time I shaved my beard, and blew a bunch of peoples minds at work…then I realised that none of those people have ever seen me without a beard. Then I started thinking about it, and I havent gone clean shaving for more than a day since the summer of 2008.
Pff, beard guy…yeah, like that’s even cool.
I did shave down to just a mustache though, and it was a big bold and beautiful stache, just to see you know? I walked into the living room to show Rachael, and Echo started crying and wouldn’t look at me.
Molesters have mustaches…children are just naturally wary of the mustache.
I only like super-ironic mustaches because I only like super-ironic everything because I’m fucking hip. YEAH!
I don’t like hipsters.
People call me a hipster every once in a while, and I’m not really offended or anything, but I don’t really get it. I asked someone to explain to me why they called me that, and they couldn’t it was just like, "You know…cuz you are a hipster."
Worst answer ever.
If I ask someone why water is water, I want that mofo to bust out the table of elements and give me a lecture on molecular structure.
No, that’s not true. I don’t want to be lectured about molecular structure. But then again, I didn’t ask anyone why water is water. Hmmm, coincidence? I think not.
Maybe I do, who knows.
One time at work I was in the kitchen doing something or other, and I guess I did something incorrect, and I was in a bad mood and in a hurry, and this bitchy girl was all like, "What are you doing?" all bitchy like…so I just turned to her and said, "I don’t know, explain myself!"
Totally blew her miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind.
One time Jerry Garcia explained the greatful dead something along the lines of, "Our fans our like people who like licorice, not everyone likes licorice, but the people who like it REALLY like licorice."
I don’t like licorice or the Greatful Dead.
I do like Half-Baked though, and the ghost of Jerry Garcia did some really great acting in that movie.
I saw Tangled in 3D.
I’ve seen better.
3D movies are fucking dumb. And I heard some guy talking about 3D movies like they are this new thing…I think he even said the word "new" in whatever dumb thing he was saying. What a dumb, seriously. People realised that it was’nt that cool a loooooong time ago, and I thought everyone was pretty happy with saving them for Disneyland.
Honestly, James Cameron should focus on making movies that don’t suck and stop using this 3D shit as a crutch.
I haven’t even seen Avatar, but the reason why I didn’t go see it is because the only good thing I heard about it was that it was "visually amazing in 3D".
So fucking what?
I’ve seen a lot of movies that are visually amazing in plain old 2D. What a bunch of dumbs.
I’ve been sitting here typing about nothing for way too long now. I’m going to go…I dunno, do something else. Hopefully sleep, but I’m not counting on it.
I’ve got some weird thing behind my ear…it feels like a zit but it won’t pop. Maybe it’s a bug bite.
Sleep now.
This is the Dane I know and love. 🙂 HEY, I’ll explain the molecular structure of a hipster to you sometime. It’s kind of complicated, so you might want to brush up on your organic chemistry before this epic lesson takes place. We should also invite Superman because of his sex appeal. It helps. I saw Avatar in 2D and liked the world that was created, but the story sucked. I don’t think I actually like 3D because half the time, I’m like “THATS what they decided to make 3D?!” And then I get annoyed. Tron in 3D was HORRIBLE. And the 3D part just annoyed me worse! Hey… I think you should buy a 3D TV instead of paying the art institute. What? I’m responsible.
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I don’t think hipsters are an actual thing. It’s something some asshole made up to confuse everyone. Like “emo”. I’ll explain water though. It’s kind of complicated, so you might want to bust out your Crayolas. We should also invite locked because of her sex appeal.
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Damnit…so my stache’ is the one thats been sabotaging my efforts to get laid. Avatar was stewpid…it’s a rip off of the smurfs, the mean army guys are supposed to be Gargamel. “Peeeace, Brian.” JERRY-..THANK YOU JERRY…FULLY, MAN..fully.
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You hit the 3D craze on the head my friend. It’s ****ing ridiculous.
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