Let’s talk about the word, (edit)

(Edit) – The title of this entry has been edited within about ten seconds of my posting this…this is the first time I have ever been forcefully edited on OD before. Holy shit everyone is retarded. Way to read an entry before passing a judgment. Wow…


I just logged onto OD for the first time in a while, and the readers choice entry I first saw was some girl talking about how much she loved the word twat, and she used a few other gems to name a vagina.

I think "heaving mound" was in there hahahaha…awesome.

The topic of her entry was about how uptight people get in regards to language.

I am constantly being told by my friends that I am embarrassing them in public because of my incredibly foul mouth and no seemingly non-existent level of tact.

I am positive that this is only because I am in Salt Lake City, and the people here are prudes. I try to explain that you can overhear a much more complex level of offensive language in Long Beach about three times in a twenty minute trip to run errands.

They insist that I am wrong, and regardless of what people in California do, I should watch my mouth out of respect for other people…but this is confusing to me, because shouldn’t my first amendment right be respected too? And honestly, I don’t like the public at large, and I am one hundred percent convinced that you run a certain risk every time you leave your house and journey into public. They should just be glad I’m talking about the wonderful sex I have enjoyed, or the mountains of cocaine that lead to a a super fantastic night. I mean, let’s be real here, there are a lot worse things that can happen to you at any given moment.

plus, cocaine and sex are awesome, so there.


Anyway, let’s talk about this black-listed (no pun intended) word, : "Nigger".

Sometimes when I take a shit, I like to read CNN on my phone, it keeps my hands busy because I have a hard time not masturbating with my penis out and just right in front of me…

A few days ago I read that this talk show host, Dr. Laura (who I can’t fucking stand, but this is beside the point.) left her radio station, or got fired or something, I can’t totally remember. Either way, she’s not there anymore.

The reason for this is because, and I know it sounds crazy because she is someone who is paid to help people with tough problems in their life, she used the word "nigger" a few times to help talk a woman through a question involving her white boyfriend and the racial slurs his family is kind enough to impart on her.

Now then…

Dude’s family are a bunch of assholes. I think that is a pretty safe assumption.  It’s time for racism to go the way of the dinosaurs, and even beyond that you probably shouldn’t openly be a dick to one of your family members significant others unless they are actually causing harm to you or someone else in your family. But, I’m going to assume that she did not do anything wrong other than being black.

And I don’t think Dr. Laura did anything wrong.

You can sit and baby-talk and sugar coat your way through a question like this, say things like the "n word" and blah blah blah…but are we adults here or not?

And it’s not like black people pretend that this word doesn’t exist, JESUS CHRIST HOW OPPOSITE!

But if a white person comes out and says it, even while offering assistance…well that right there, that is just disgusting. I mean, look at all of the horrible things that Dr. Laura has done to the black community, like slavery, war, and aids…and fifdddeeeey cent.


When growing up in southern California, I was constantly one of, if not the only white kid in my circle of friends. It was just a common rule that my oriental, persian, armenian, and mexican friends were allowed to use the word "nigger", but not I…which made it difficult because one of our friends was only referred to as "That nigga curtis."

When asked about that, they explained the when you change the "er" to an "a", it makes everything all peachy and cool.

So I tried it…


Finally I just told them that if I can’t use that word than neither should they, what’s fair is far right?

"fair? You wanna talk about fair?"

That’s when the slavery bull shit started.

"Your people this"

"Your people that"

…there are a fucking shit load of white people in the world, I have done the research, my personal "people" had never owned any slaves in their life.

I didn’t go back far enough to the dark ages or anything….but we were still in europe, or getting killed for our land by cowboys (depending on which side we are talking about) when all this bull shit was going on.


So here is the deal.

If "nigger" is such a horrible word…then black people need to stop saying it.

I have never seen any of my mexican friends walk up to eachother with a, "Sup spic ass motha fucka!"


why? Well, that is a simple one…THEY REALLY DON’T LIKE THE WORD SPIC!


The only conclusion that I have come to is that the use of the word "nigger" has become some petty way "stick it" to the white man.

And honestly, I don’t care either way if I can use that word or not, I am just trying to figure this shit out.

I don’t like that word because I have no desire to use it in my daily life, or any life for that matter. I personally think it’s a pretty shitty word to say to or about someone because of the actual conentations.

But I have heard that when black people say it to one another it has a new meaning…that’s the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

When I say bagel, I mean bagel, and the same goes with any other word.


My gay friends sometimes will call eachother faggot….but that’s because they drink a lot and they understand that sometimes being offensive is hilarious, plus people don’t have great judgment when they are drunk, and I also get to call them faggot because I secretly think it makes them a little horny.

And the only time I have seen my keyboard player get mad enough to punch someone over it was at a gas station after he had just broken up with this major asshole and this guy called him a faggot like he was trying to shoot him. That was cool to see with the scissor sisters blaring in the background.

Anyone that has read this OD for a while knows by now  that I pretty much think everyone is retarded…this is just the latest thing that has been bothering me for a few days now.


Really doesn’t help the inner anthropologist in me.


Whyy isn’t misanthropy a major in school?


I would be so good at that.


I would make Hitler look like a fool. He had the right idea, he was just way too narrow minded with the people he decided to take out.


I’m a jew by the way, so don’t none of you assholes go around talki

ng about the holocaust like that, when I do it it has a different meaning.



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August 21, 2010

I don’t like the word spic either. Churns my blood. In any case I caught part of a George Carlen gig on the radio the other day, where he was talking about TV and Radio being the only things not protected under the first amendment because some Minister in Mississippi was offended. It was great. Google it. Its a good laugh.

August 21, 2010

RYN: Are you kidding me? I didn’t know the DM could do that?? That isn’t right!

August 21, 2010

when yu youtube that…just hit george carlin FCC its the first one that comes up. kinda applies to this too I guess. lol.

August 22, 2010

Oh **** – someone put it up on Reader’s Choice?? Doh! Anyway – I don’t get it either, people of the correct ethnicity (or whatever) are ok using certain words, but anyone else ‘can’t’ – seems oxymoron-ish to me. My honkey ass just doesn’t understand, I guess.