And I’m done working!






Del Taco has 3 tacos for ONE FUCKING DOLLAR!




Or RUbios has fish tacos FOR A BUCK TWENTY FIVE!


Yeah, rub your eyes and read it again One dollar and twenty five fucking cents motha fuckas!






I think I’m going to buy more tacos than any one man could possibly eat, just to look at them. Just bask in my taco glory!

Yeah…you’re all jealous as shit, I can tell.






The street stands Downtown don’t have any sort of deal or anything, but they have two tacos for a buck fiddy…I might go down there and buy some of those too just because IT’S TACO MOTHER FUCKING TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!




Why am I even sitting here writing this shit?



Alright, I’m out!






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hope they’re yummy.

Tacos are great. I had some yesterday. =)

July 7, 2009

In my hometown we had this place called Taco Johns, and they totally had a Taco Tuesday. But, it was two for one, and that was like 15 years ago…three for one is amazing. I do want tacos now. good thing I’m not a lesbian or that could mean something entirely different…

i’m taco deprived. i wish i could live inside a taco. tacooooooos!

it is Taco Tuesday in our house too!

yeah i know. he even stole from Crosby, but that effin clip is hilarious!

July 7, 2009

I’d pay real money to see one million f_______ tacos. Wouldn’t the lettuce fly all over the place?

July 7, 2009

Holy shit tacos, of course, could be eaten only by the Pope.

July 7, 2009

RYN: Don’t worry too much about the dream. The process of dreaming itself is your mind working out stuff. It’s not necessary to parse the dreams the next day (though it can be amusing).

July 7, 2009

I heart tacos… with margueritas. Taco Tuesday is definitely the best day of the week… and hot sauce. Yes!

This is so wrong. I love tacos and I can’t get them anywhere near where I live or work. So not fair. I want TACOS!! You’re just mean for rubbing in that you have a whole day devoted to tacos.

July 8, 2009

..I want some tacos. Those old men pretty much made my life when I saw them playing their game outside by the streets. I wanted to be an old guy and go play with them. Dunno if any disguise I could come up with would pass, but it’s worth a shot. Old ladies gross me out too. At least YOU have something to look forward too. Being an old guy is pretty special. kinsey.

July 8, 2009

I want tacos!

July 8, 2009

We used to have Taco Tuesday at the neighborhood bar where I used to live. I miss that place.

July 8, 2009

Hmm…they never have any taco days here.