I’m obsessed with the new album…

No, I really am.

It will be the third "Offical" album from Dane and the Death Machine.

And I say official because there are a bunch of EP’s and B-sides and live stuff…but as far as an actual start to finish album conceived as one body of work kind of thing…this will be the third.

I think I’m even driving the other band members as well as our producer fucking crazy with how much I talk about it.

I dunno…It’s just kind of the main thing I am focused on right now.

There are a lot of other things that I give my attention to, but this one is always in the back of my mind…and usually in the front too. It’s totally pulling some Rosa Parks shit on me.

I know some people that read this thing have heard some DDM, I’m sure most people haven’t so this is probably going to be a really boring entry and blah blah blah.

But if for some crazy reason you wanted to check it out, almost every song I have recorded as Dane and the Death Machine is on the facebook profile, and if you google it or Dane G. Russ you will come up with a lot of music. And there is youtube…and I-tunes and blah blah blah.

If you heard some of the songs maybe this wouldn’t be so boring.

Or maybe it would be more boring?

I would be boring myself if I wasn’t totally one track minded about this whole thing right now…it’s kind of like when you justify to yourself your way out of feeling something…I dunno. I should be sick of listening to myself, but I’m not.


Anyway…I’m really excited because this album is going to be really different from the other ones.

The album will be called, "Medicine Head" and it’s going to be about the time from February 08 until January 10 where I was homeless and trying to kill myself with alcohol and everything fucking sucked and blah blah blah…

But it’s nice because now that I am not in that situation anymore, I am able to look back on the songs I wrote and kind of re-work them so it’s less of a cry for help and more of an analyzation.

I can just tell a story.

I guess that’s what When Amonia Meets Bleech was all about…a story, but this album is going to be a lot softer than that one.

It’s really pretty. The majority of the songs are really mellow, Alec and Rachael and I are all singing on it. Clean electric guitars over acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, hand percussion and a few parts of a few tracks will have a five piece set over some distorted guitars…and we are working on talking this cello player into contributing. He’s just kinda weird.


But yeah…

We are in the stages of fleshing out the songs with the scratch tracks.

One song in particular is starting to amaze me.

I never really thought it was anything too great…I mean, I thought it was a good song and all, but now that we have been really re-working it it’s starting to emerge as one of my favorites.

I like surprises like that.

There is really nothing in the world like making music with other people…it really is like sex, just not physical.

It’s this completely interactive thing involving another to a few other people where you can give yourself to a moment, and everyone is giving themselves to it…and then you create something out of nothing.

It’s a great feeling to finish a song with some people and just KNOW you nailed it.


Anyway, the song is called "You can stop if you want to."

I know this entry is boring…I don’t care. It’s 9:42 in the morning and I am drinking wine…do you really think I care?


"Why do I still pray when I know that god has died?
It’s the last thing I haven’t tried…

And in the silence I wait for any sign of a reply, but I’m still alone and it’s still silent.

And you got lost in the spray of everyone and their waves crashing together.
You’re a pool of standing water.
And I know the ripples cause pain, it’s easier to just slowly start to stagnate until you evaporate…

You could quit if you want to, but I don’t think you will because you love the way it feels to be dying.
You cou stop if you want to, but I don’t think you will because you love the way you feel when you’re dying.

I don’t have to stop and explain what you’re doing to yourself.
To your family and your friends.
Your body and your head.
And I don’t have the heart to take that drink out of your hands.
When your eyes still look so sad.
Well, you know you could come back, and you could quit if you want to…

But I don’t think you will, because you love the way it feels to be dying.
You could stop if you want to, but I don’t think you will, because you love the way it feels when you’re dying.

So throw your head back and chase another pill with the spirits I’ve distilled.
You even told me you wanted something more, something that is real, but this is easier…this is so much easier.

You could quit if you want to, but I don’t think you will…
You could stop if you want to, but you love the way it feels…"


Guess what? It’s my OD and I can write about what I want!



Peace out secrist! 




Log in to write a note

we should drink wine at ungodly hours of the night and write parodies to songs. And then we can prank call everyone in the world whose number ends in 191.

daneface, we can make this happen. SLC isnt that far from where I live! You can drive down, I can drive up, or we can meet in the middle!! P.S. thanks for your concern 🙂 I’m not going to go through with it for obvious reasons. I feel like if a guy really wants to ask me on a date, he can do it without bidding for me. 🙂

November 17, 2010

I was just going to ask how I could get your other stuff. I have the one that was on iTunes, but not the others. I guess I never saw I could get them on the FB page. Can I DL from FB too?