I think I overloaded that last entry

On my computer at work, the little things stream and play music and all of that good stuff, and I have mind blowingly fast internet here, and it still takes a few seconds if not a minute for the songs to play and/or pause.

 But yeah…that didn’t really work out so great. I guess I didn’t really expect it too haha.

So here is the link so you can go and stream and listen and download the songs straight from the site I uploaded them to.

Dane and the Death Machine – Thanatron (MP3’s)


Also, I figured out why you were having trouble downloading the songs, I guess I actually had to activate the ability to let people download the songs because I had to state the songs were my property and blah blah blah copyright bullshit…as if anyone even cares about copyright laws anymore. I mean, I don’t personally pirate things myself, and I am not being all preachy or anything, I just like cases and artwork and all of that fun stuff. I have illegaly downloaded things before, but it was shit there was no way I would have purchased anyway.

So yeah, download away. Put it on your computer, and in your i-pods, and your zunes…just don’t put it in your i-phone. Fuck i-phones. Seriously, I put a virus that I wrote specifically for i-phones and attached them to every song, so if you put any of my music on an i-phone it alerts the government that you are a terrorist and your gps "app" will let them know where you are, and then your i-phone will blow up and send out a message to your significant other that you are cheating and leaving them forever, and then a car will hit you.


Alright, fine, put it on your stupid fucking i-phone.


Seriously though, download that shit and tell people about it!





Log in to write a note

Glad to hear that you’re feeling better. I will listen to the songs and download them when I’m on the computer.

July 3, 2009

You better watch your cereal, mister. Do NOT make the iPhone angry.

hahahahahahaha i love the iphone virus threat.

July 3, 2009

thank god i don’t have an iphone.

July 3, 2009

Downloaded 🙂

the song players worked fine for me, but then again i’m amazing