I Am Alpha

We are soldiers from the future
Infantry units of division 53 in the united army of earth
In the battle field that is between Homosapiens and Electrosapiens our division has come up with a slogan for moral.
That slogan is; "I AM ALPHA" because the blood of our fathers and their fathers before them were here before electricity ever gave birth to thought.


In the year 2141, the Electrosapiens established themselves as a seperate and independant nation from the Homosapiens. We thought they merely wanted their fare hand in contributing to our planets eco-stability…we were all wrong.

On December 26th, 2143 without warning…without a sound…and under the cover of night, 400 members of what was then believed to be a renegade Electrosapien terrorist group, invaded the Humanity World Headquarters ( a domed city that is home to over 100,000 humans ) located in the territory that is known in your time as South America. The soldiers silently and swiftly killed an estimated 800 innocent civilians before being spotted. But there was nothing much that the police could do to apprehend them…by then, nothing short of military action could stop them.

Before the night would end 80,000 innocent Homosapiens had lost their lives…it was the birth of a war.

It would later be discovered that the soldiers responsible for the heinous crime were working under direct orders from the E.P.D (Electrosapien Prime Directive), the electric worlds government. And also the worlds first and only truly succesfull communist goverment, it should be noted.

Soon after, every able bodied person was enlisted into the United Army of Earth. We were at full scale war. But…our enemy was great, and constantly learning from our weakness. It looked grim, so we started looking for an alternate plan of victory…a plan of prevention.

The four of us were enlisted to participate in a military experiment involving time travel to come back and put a stop to the mass manufacturing of Electrosapiens in order to prevent the uprising of 2143 from ever happening…

We need your help…Our past, ir your present…and you are humanities only hope.




Wesley Estes – Artillary
Danny Gast – Demolition Expert
Kamyar Ghassemy – Heavy Artillary
Dane G. Russ – Radio communications expert

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/iamalpha#ixzz13tKs3d2b


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October 31, 2010

That’d make for a cool video game. Movie, maybe..but videogame for sure.

November 17, 2010

What the ****? That is so awesome.