Haunted shit.

All I wanted to do was go see some haunted shit.


You are supposed to pull this little girl out of this pool…blood pool or something. I dunno. She’s supposed to be dead.

My brother told me all about it. It was supposed to be epic.

You know. Eating chicken and steaks and cheeseburgers, that’s awesome right?

Awesome enough.

But then I gotta be greedy and look at dead people.

Piss Alec off.

Brandon left me in the woods somewhere.

So then I’m standing there, thinking about my life.

Shit was kind of creepy, yeah, it was a dark night. I’m in the woods or some shit looking for some pool where these girls drowned so I can pull em out…and I’m alone.

And I start to fucking regret a lot of things.


Suddenly I didn’t like life so much.

Shit has been too surreal for a long time now, and it got way too real. Real fast.

I don’t know who I am anymore.

I don’t know if I am happy, or just too busy to notice I am sad.

I lost my fucking cell phone.

I am alone.

I’m never going to have anyone love me. Not now, not ever.



Not my lover, not my problem.

Fucking dresses.

drinkin outta cups…

yeah right.



I woke up this morning with a flash flood of rage.

I just kind of want to fuck someone up.

Destroy some shit.


Here I am…telling her that she needs to be nice to her mom because she could really use the support.

Then her mom tells her to leave me alone and go watch a movie like I’m the fucking plauge.

I get it man. I fucking get it.

I won’t be in her life anymore so let’s just fucking pretend I don’t exist, you know what I mean?

I get it.

No one remembers anything from when they were six right?


Yeah right.

Not my six, not my problem.



I’m so fucking pissed off right now.

Fuck labor day.

Fuck cell phones.

Fuck women.

Fuck living alone.

Fuck haunted shit and having your best friend be pissed off at you for…umm…for what? I don’t fucking know?

For going to try to see haunted shit?


You didn’t have to come with us you know!


I hate everyone.


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September 6, 2011

I remember things from when I was 6 but only because I’ve never really let go of that kid. **** cellys, mines just an expensive watch I pay a bill on. **** women? Oh I’d like to, but they’ve got all these craaazy standards like I dunno..they want to know about me before I stick em’ and they think I should want better for myself yadda yadda hey, im like ay bitch if i wanted a synopsis of my life I’d open a fucking fortune cookie, now SUCK. I never have the right words, broham..but you get it, right? Right.

September 6, 2011

You misunderstood me telling her to leave you alone. I thought she was bugging you while you were getting ready to leave.

September 7, 2011
