Fucking Christmas
I spilled energy drink on my keyboard sssso now the s sticks…
God damnit.
I hate my job. I need a new one.
Band, production company, five (almost six now) year old, independant sales job…the last thing I need is a job where I work with a bunch of assssssssssholes .
Stupid S key…
I was ten minutes late to my lunch shift, I called in and told them I would be…had my manager all up my assssssss about it.
When asked why I was late I just turned to them and asked why that even matters.
"Why does the reason for me being late matter? I called and told you I was going to be a few minutes late, you knew I was going to be late, I’m here now…is it going to change anything if you know the reason behind it? I’m late, I’m here, it’s in the past now."
They didn’t like that very much.
They told me I’m late a lot and they are going to start documenting it.
"I’m a busy guy, I’m sorry I am late more than you’d like me to be but it’s not like I’m sitting at home twiddling my thumbs and pulling this huge prank on you guys, just getting a kick out of being late, and it’s never more than a few minutes right?"
"Yeah, but that’s not the point."
"And I ALWAYS call in and tell you I’m going to be a few minutes late if I’m running behind right?"
"Yeah, and we appreciate that."
"And most of the time I’m in here early…and I always come in early if you call and ask me too."
"We appreciate that too."
"I’m a busy guy, sometimes I’m late. I’m probably going to be late in the future, that’s just the way my life goes."
"But we had guests waiting and other servers had to pick up your slack because you weren’t here!"
"So…when I call and tell you I am going to be ten minutes late, you just start seating guests who have no one to wait on them, or take other servers and ruin their shift instead of just letting the people wait a few god damn minutes? People wait for tables in restaurants, they do it all the time."
"That’s not the way it works around here."
"So you would rather give them bad service?"
The place is a fucking joke.
I hate it so much.
I need a new job, like yesterday.
I need a job too..I wish Vivid would call me back already.
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Ditto on the new job.
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Ugh. I would punch all of those people in the balls.
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