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June 28, 2013

Man, I feel the same way. I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. I wish it hadn’t replaced OD. The thing with OD is that people write about life, and are honest and genuine, imperfections and all. FB is all about: look at me, look at how happy I am. FB is not life. What I do love is that I can keep in contact with close friends whom I love who are many miles away. I have thought about deleting it alltogether, or deleting everyone except a few people. The only people I’m interested in seeing their kids and wedding photos are my closest friends. I still haven’t figured out how to manage it.

June 28, 2013

thats why i dont have a facebook acct-, oh and I have no friends, theres that too.

June 28, 2013

Deleting my eff-book was a decision I don’t regret, but in order to truly delete it you have to manually delete all of your “friends”

June 28, 2013

Facebook definitely does those things, that’s why I deleted it. All it goes is stroke and slam the egos of us, when we should be working to integrate a humble ego. ryn: what does your HEART say about this? MY THOUGHT is that your brain entices you to do these things. Our world has been telling us to rage on, get crazy, be enticed by loud and invasive activities. DO, DO, DO!

June 28, 2013

(c) …But then, as we DO DO DO, more more more, louder, faster, stronger, harder, more extreme (in anything), we miss the gentle subtlety of Spirit. Being present in the Now. So when we are coming from the perception of our ill-programed brain, these darker activities may seem really exciting, crazy, “make you feel alive” kind of shit, but honestly? At what cost, dude? IDK, once I ‘awoke’ to

June 28, 2013

(c) that angelic feeling… IDK, once I surrendered to the flow and accepted that Spirit is so subtle, it’s every bit as magical and exciting. Etheric wings make my fucking heart sing.

June 28, 2013

Oh, plus, we totally want you on this side. The other side is for creepy weirdos. And yes I hear your argument “but gypsy friend, I AM a creepy weirdo”, and to that I say, we’re talking a horse of a different color, my friend. Is it all a game? Probably. But IT’S REALLY REALISTIC.