Fat people and the people who hate them…

I thought this was pretty funny, I just got onto OD and the readers choice sample went a little something like this:

 "Okay here is my beef, apparantly no one in todays society can blame being fat on what they eat… We live in a society where we drive everywhere, and no longer walk.. we play video games, watch tons of tv, watch movies… 100 years ago they didn’t even have cable tv, 50/60 years ago people had 1… "
  entry: FAT.
by: ~*Chel*~
24, Canada 

Then in the featured, I think it’s Diary Circles or something, that’s right under the readers choice…the little preview had this to offer to us:


 "So Premiere Monday was last night. I have been waiting for it since May! I decided to watch The Event and Hawaii Five-O while recording Lone Star. I rushed through uploading photos and updating a few sites and after barely getting the files uploaded, it was nearly 8:00 p.m., time… "
  entry: Premiere Monday A Look Forward and A Look Back
by: LdyPngn
34, USA 


I didn’t actually read either one of them.

I thought this was good enough.




Seriously though, great timing.

Made my day anyway.

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September 21, 2010

Fabulous! Good for a laugh, and maybe something to reflect on

September 21, 2010

I wonder who is fatter, Chel or Ldy? I don’t have a TV, or much money (to buy one…or food)…and I am pretty thin, maybe there’s a correlation.

September 21, 2010

Whatever, fatass.

September 23, 2010

Hah. This made me smile. -Random chick.