Everything is weird/ everything is fine…

So Blondie broke up wth me.

Said I didn’t care about the same things she cared about…blah blah blah.


Truth be told, I totally didn’t.

She is a super nice girl, I wish her all the luck…but I was kind of getting over it anyway.

She didn’t get my sense of humor…that really ….ing bothered me.


She asked me if I was mad, I said no…she asked me if I was sad, I sad no…then she acted put off that I was okay with it.


But life is funny.


I have had this friend for a long time, when I moved to Utah she was one of my best friend’s little sister’s best friend. So I have known her for a long time. She is a year younger than me, but we always talked about music and stuff and would hang out from time to time and she would come to all our shows and we would party down, all that cool stuff.


Well she just barely moved a few blocks down the street from me, so I invited her to come over and Jam, Dane and the Death Machine now has a new bass player, she totally rocks at the bass, and the guitar, and keys, and singing, and she is drop dead sexy to boot…oh yeah, so after a few times jamming we kind of started to…well, I have a girlfriend now.

It’s pretty amazing.

I have known her for so long and we have always gotten along and then…yeah…it just seemed like the right move.

She has a five year old daughter…

and honestly I’m not worried about that. I remember what it was like when my mom was dating, and I remember hating all the men…I’m a little worried about her hating me, but honestly I have been drinking so much less. I don’t get sick, I don’t get the shakes, I go days without a drink now…I don’t need to drink, I like just hanging out and talking to my girl and laughing and goofing around, and we cook and yeah…the sex is amazing.

The music is amazing.

She is amazing.


It’s really weird.

I might be growing up…


If this thing really ends up taking off I might pretty much have a daughter too…I mean…pretty much.



what the hell?


Anyway, we had a fun little out of nowhere photo shoot yesterday after band practice.

I will put up some of those pictures soon.


Everyone I know says this is the happiest they have ever seen me…

I’m happy.


Since we made it official I have pretty much been smiling non stop.

I have known this girl forever, I had such a huge crush on her for a while, and I guess she has had one on me…


This is just pretty much awesome.



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May 6, 2010

It sucks to have a superb sense of humor lost upon others.

I’m happy for you Dane, and I hope you can stay happy for you, and her, and that little girl. Make music! And let me hear it!

May 6, 2010

GOOD ****!

May 6, 2010

hay.. it bleeped me. i said GOOD SH I T !!

Oh man. =D ♥

May 6, 2010


I am so happy for you. You’ve no idea. On a separate note, I played one of your YouTube videos for a friend yesterday & she thought you were great. I had logged into my YouTube account to show her a video a friend made for me and your video was saved underneath it so I pressed play to see what she thought. Have I mentioned that I’m really happy for you?

yay i really hope everything works out! -dawn

May 7, 2010

Dude that’s awesome. All around awesomeness.

May 8, 2010

Way to go then, dude.

May 10, 2010

yay!! that entry made me so happy!! when it started off with the breakup i was like uh oh! but what a happy ending!! 🙂 very happy for you!!