Dreams are fucking weird.

So, last night I had this really weird dream…and I can’t get it out of my head, and it was extremely long and confusing. So I guess I will write about it, because if I can’t get it out of my head then it must mean SOMETHING right?


So it basically started off with the band; Murder by Death. They were playing some show, and for some reason I was playing guitar and singing, but the real singer and guitar player was there…he just didn’t want to play. So the beginning of the dream started off with me on stage, too drunk to figure out how to get the mic stand to work. As I am trying to figure it out, there are only a few kids in the audience just kind of staring at me talking shit.

The next thing I know, the show gets cancelled because not enough people were there. Right when we get the news, the real lead singer gets pissed off, and then suddenly tons of kids start to flood into the venue, but it’s too late the show has already been cancelled.

Well, Alec shows up and starts telling me that everyone is going to hang out and party anyway, and that I should come back to his place afterwards, while I am talking to him I look over and there is this gangster dude in a wife beater getting head from this horribly ugly chick. For whatever reason, I decide that it would be a good idea to get head from her too…right in the middle of hundreds of people. So I whip my cock out, and she goes to give me head when suddenly the gangster dude gets all pissed (Big surprise right?). Then Alec tells me that I shouldn’t have pissed that dude off, he is dangerous and blah blah blah, and we should leave now.

So we end up going to Alec’s place…which is really just this kind of cabin thing with a mattress in the middle and a desk with a tv. We sit down and Alec has two bags of pot with him, one that is really good chronic and another one that is shwag. I discover at this point I have a bag of chronic as well, but he insists we only smoke his stuff…which ends up turning out to be impossible, because he asked me to load the chillum, and every time I do I end up dropping it to the point where there is just pot all over the ground.

Then his mom walks in with two friends, and they start climbing the rafters of this cabin, they tell us that we should follow them, Alec goes somewhere, and I start climbing the rafters with them. And I don’t know how it got to this point, but suddenly we are up on this platform watching the entire place fill up with water as this tiger is swimming around. So at this point, I am totally freaking out because the water is getting higher and higher, and suddenly I am alone, just the water and the tiger swimming around.


Right before it gets to me the water starts to flood out, and I see the tiger run out the door, so I jump down and run outside and Alec is there again, and we go running around to the back of the cabin where all of these people are hanging out, including Amanda. We are just kind of hanging out, and I look around and there are hundreds upon hundreds of people all dressed up in church clothes. Suddenly this group of bicyclists ride by and almost hit me, so I start talking shit to them and one of the guys stops and tells me that my breath smells like Rum. I tell him that it’s none of his business, but he assures me that it is, and proceeds to tell me he is going to give me some tests to ditermin if I am drunk or not.

Well…it turns out everyone I was hanging out with now has to take these tests, and instead of field sobriety tests, they are more along the lines of Medievel feats of strength and dexteriety and all of that weird shit. The only one I really remember, was this large piece of wood and on one side there were all of these spikes and spear heads and stuff, and we had to try to stop it with some big metal…pipe/sword…weird thing. I dunno.


So in the middle of this, we are stopped and people just start to charge down this hill, almost an amptheatre sort of thing…and at the bottom of it, there are another couple hundred people, waiting for all the people to come at them. I realize this is an old school battle, but I don’t have a weapon. I try to run back, but there are too many people coming down the hill, so I just decide to go for it…I run down the hill and make this gravity defying dream jump over the front lines and onto the stage of the amptheatre, where there is this huge guy with a bloody face, and he starts pulling his teeth out and looking at me like we have some sort of grudge match to take care of.

At this point a few other guys came over to kick my ass, well…probably kill me, but I just remember being pretty scared. Not much else, until the next thing I know I am in this room with Amanda and she is upset that I missed "the most important event in her life" which it turns out, she basically killed a bunch of mother fuckers during this whole battle thing, and she got some award, and tons of cash for it…apparently she had a video of it all, and we started to watch it, and she showed me all of her cash.


That’s all I remember.


Seriously…I don’t ever think I have had a dream that long, or eventful…I have a lot of really weird dreams where I can remember a lot about them the next day, but it’s all too confusing to really be put down into words. But I mean…I have been awake for a little over two hours now, and I still can’t get the details of this dream out of my head, and I can’t shake the feeling that of all the weird random dreams I have ever had…this one means something important.

I mean, it basically focused around the two most important people to me in Utah…I dunno.

I don’t think all dreams mean something.

I am just not so sure about this one though…I’m not saying like, it’s predecting the future or anything, I’m just saying, maybe if I could figure this dream out I could figure out the way I really feel about a lot of things in my life right now without the clouded judgement of drugs and alcohol.


…I dunno, I debated even writing about it here because it sounds a little too fantastic you know? But finally, I felt like I kind of had to.


So yeah…that is my dream.



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July 7, 2009

Just because i am so wonderful and also because im so very bored at work.. here is a few definitions for the points in your dream. i do this for myself all the time..it helps some: Band: Playing in a band, orchestra, or other ensemble can represent: •Relationships or events with others in your life •Teamwork, cooperating, or creating with others in your life

July 7, 2009

audience •Being in front of an audience can represent a feeling self-conscious, an awareness of or fear of being observed by others, or a heightened concern about others’ opinions. •Being in an audience can represent the idea of watching others live their lives, feeling like a passive observer in life rather than a participant, or considering your unbiased perspective.

July 7, 2009

Oral Sex To dream that you are giving or receiving oral sex, signifies your willingness to give or receive pleasure/joy.It is symbolic of your creative energy and reaffirms that you are headed in the right direction in life. The dream may also be a pun on talking about sex. You may need to communicate with your mate about your sexual needs and desires. Perhaps you are acting out your sexualwishes

July 7, 2009

Cabin To see or dream that you are in a wood cabin, indicates that you will succeed via your own means. It suggests that you are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. You prefer the simpler things in life Climb To dream that you are climbing up something (ladder, rope, etc.), signifies that you are trying to or you have overcome a great struggle. It also suggests that your goal

July 7, 2009

are finally within reach. Climbing also means that you have risen to a level of prominence within the social or economic sphere. Flood To dream that you are in a flood, represents your need to release some sexual desires. If the flood is raging, then it represents emotional issues and tension.Your repressed emotions are overwhelming you. Consider where the flood is for clues as to where in your

July 7, 2009

waking life is causing you stress and tension. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are the one who is overwhelming others with your demands and strong opinion. tiger Strength in action, assertiveness, aggressiveness, no-nonsense, pro-active activity, taking pre-emptive action to avoid problems before they arise. Bravery and personal strength, integrity, ethics, or conscientiousness.

July 7, 2009

Battlefield To dream that you are on a battlefield, represents some major conflict occurring in your waking life. It may indicate a new situation, new problem or new relationship which you need to solve and conquer Battle To be in or see a battle in your dream, suggests that you are overworked. You need to give yourself a break. There is a conflict between your rational thinking and your

July 7, 2009

and your irrational impulses. Alternatively, it represents eroticism. You may be overly stimulated or you are trying to suppress your instinctual urges. OKAY THATS IT. promise =P

July 7, 2009

I should have something intelligent to say, but all I can think about is how I would really like oral sex right now.

July 7, 2009

And, oh yeah, you have really intense dreams.

July 7, 2009

You’ve already been nice to me, your quota is up for life. but, I’m still all about kicking asses. Actually, I think I am, but I’m not quite sure how well it would turn out for me in the end…I kind of have a napoleon complex.

July 7, 2009

Wow thats a really intense dream. I wonder if maybe you should talk to your mom about it and have her or your aunt interpret it? Remind me to tell you about mine later, it was really weird too. Maybe Paul is poisoning us via the vents in their. HA!

July 7, 2009

Well, I’m glad some people attempted to define the dream for you. As for me, I just thought it was highly entertaining to read. I once had this thoroughly confusing and jumpy dream with a murderer I had to face and somehow having to avoid this gigantic red water balloon falling from the ceiling out of no where so I wouldn’t drown. Cheers to our minds. kinsey.

July 7, 2009

man I couldn’t agree more. It’s the only upside of things haha

July 7, 2009

The dream means that you should put a tiny camera in your brain so you can record your dreams and sell them to FOX for boatloads of cash then buy an island and populate it with underage Filipino girls, or geriatric Filipino men, I always forget which one you like better.

last night i dreamed that i was eating out anne hathaway while she lay on an island in a kitchen of some resort she and i were staying at. it was beyond lovely.

July 7, 2009

Your dreams are your subconscious mind’s way of dealing with the slings and arrows of YOUR daily life. NO “dream symbols” apply universally. I can usually figure out what events precipitate my dreams. Of course, if you fell asleep while under chemical influence, all bets are off.

July 7, 2009

I’d like to be able to help you figure out what this dream means to you, but honestly, no one can. One symbol or situation can and will mean two completely different things to two different people. You’re on your own, buddy.

July 7, 2009

RYN: I always taught my high school literature students that, depending on the era, there have been public and private symbols. In Shakespeare’s time, e.g., darkness, blood, and such ALWAYS meant the same thing, no matter the playwright. They all used “public” symbols, often drawn from the Bible. 19th century romantic poets used SOME public symbols (Nature = purity, p-peasants and farmers = Adam’spre-Fall purity), but began to use “private” or “personal” symbols. By the twentieth century, a tree could mean life, death, sex, or fascism, depending on the writer. Jerzy Kosinski used sex as a symbol of existential loneliness, J.D. Salinger used it as a symbol of human corruption, and so on.

I’m thinking the same as ivy’s first note ‘cept I want to give it…

July 8, 2009

sounds like you probably weren’t even asleep. Just listening to Coheed and ate shrooms. Then you fell asleep while still tripping and woke up and thought it was all a dream. Yep, that probably explains it. That battle must of been hard-fvckin-core!

July 9, 2009

…I like L’Etranger.

July 15, 2009