Dreams about cocaine. } ediT=

I had a dream last night that seemed to focus a little too much on cocaine.

First of all, this guy was trying to sell me some coke. So I asked him, "How much for a T?"

"You can get two T’s for twenty bucks."

wtf? So I took the man for the fool he was and snagged up all the cocaine I could find.

I put it in my wallet and then went home…where my mom lives…so I guess I was living with my mom.

I was getting ready to do a bunch of the white stuff when my mom came into the room and told me that we were leaving. She was going to take me over to one of my old managers house for "A lesson" apparently. She told me that it was time I learned how to be happy.

At this point I got irritated with her because I wanted to put drugs in my nose and said something along the lines of, "No mom, I’m twenty five years old and I have plans! I’m a man dammit and you can’t just spring things on me like this!"

So I ran out to my car and attempted to do some lines there, but when I opened my wallet all of the coke had spilled out everywhere and it wasn’t even worth trying to scrape up into a pile.

So…I drove my old Toyota to some sort of parking lot. For some reason I remember there was a bowling alley, a movie theater, and a place to purchase and consume pizza…I dunno.

I decided to walk past all of those and go into some weird department store thing that was full of college kids from another state completely. I know this because they kept talking about it. And no one was selling clothes…there were clothes fucking everywhere, and some of the college kids were trying them on, but mostly they were watching movies and studying and eating pizza…I dunno.

I got into some argument with a few of them…I don’t remember much about that. When I finally left, some girl pulled me aside out in the parking lot, "You’re looking for some coke right?"

"I guess so…"

"Here. I don’t need this anymore. It’s really good."

And she gave me about three eight balls in some weird square bag that didn’t seal. It looked amazing, it was moist and had that almost yellowish hue…stuck together. I have only seen coke like that in real life a few times. It makes the back of your eyes go numb…

Anyway, as she was handing it to me I dropped it on the ground of the parking lot…which was kind of wet and really torn up. Without hesitation I started to scoop up what I dropped, and it seemed to really gross this girl out. I looked back at my bag and there were some pretty obvious chunks of gravel and black top and rocks and dirt and blah blah blah…but still I was going to do that coke damnit!


…but I never did.


The whole dream I just kept trying to do coke…but I never did.

And then when I woke up, before I was really awake, I thought I was doing all of this coke.

It was really weird.


I dunno…


That dream just kind of came out of nowhere and I’ve been thinking about it for the last couple of hours…I feel really weird about it.

I don’t like feeling weird about dreams.

I have had dreams that seemed so real before that when I woke up I was angry at the people in my dreams, one time I started to call the person I was mad at to let them know how fucking stupid they are until I realised that what I was mad at them for didn’t even happen.


I dunno.


dreams are weird.


I guess I’m just kinda confused as to why my brain decided that for the duration of last night I was going to be fiending…bad call brain. Really bad call.





I dunno why really…but here is something. I was writing about it a while ago…yup.




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October 25, 2010

Dude, that reminds me of a dream I had. The whole time I was trying to **** random women, I had finally grasped the lucid dreaming concept. The farthest I got was going down on one…then all of a sudden I was on a golf course with people I went to elementary school with. ryn: I sure hope I can start smoking again soon.

October 25, 2010

ryn: I’d totally blast that song in my car, would you?