Dane Gilbertson sucks

I want to start by saying, in absolutely no way do I feel proud of myself for this….but it really is pretty funny.

So as some of you know, I have this affinity for attacking people over the internet, mostly because it’s a lot more legal than attacking people in real life.

Because if a random assault and battering was fair game on the streets, My tube sock with a combination lock in it and I would be very happy people.

Anyway…so I got onto my youtube channel one day to innocently upload some videos and the youtube told me that I had a comment on one of my videos.

The Comment went as such,

"my name is dane g. delete your gay ass video so your dont give people named Dane a bd name. your weak and should change your name. Dane means Bold and your obviously a pussy. so change your name to russ or sumthing."


Now, this comment was completely unprovoked. It came out of nowhere, like that show who deliver babies and they didn’t even know they were pregnant (by the way, I have never seen that show, and question the validity of its content, but that would be the worst fucking surprise in the world.) .

I kind of laughed a little bit, said something like, "what a douche" and went on with my life.

About  a week later, Rachael was giving me a back massage and I fell asleep for a bit, and for some reason when I woke up I was just in attack mode towards this retard who left me this comment.

So I sent him this message:

Title:  You are going to completely regret your worthless life decisions you fucking bitch

"Your last name is really Gilbertson? I know men that suck cock for free who have less faggity names than that. You are a fucking loser. I am going to make your life hell you fucking weak son of a fuck. Your parents didn’t mean to have you and when your mom found out she was pregnant she beat the shit out of your dad because he must be a weak piece of shit too. Choke on a dick mother fucker. I did nothing to you and you had to go and leave a comment trying to tell me to change my name…let me give you some advice; learn to spell before you go attacking people you fucking douche. You seriously must be the most retarded piece of shit this world has ever seen and the best part is that you are probably going to take this comment very seriously. The second best part is now I am going to post some videos about how retarded you actually are, and since people actually watch the videos I put up, when I tell them to come by your weak ass channel to harass you they are probably going to. Pass on to the next life Mr. Gilbertson. You do not deserve the name Dane…and actually, since you are not a man, you probably don’t deserve the title of "mr." either. Bitch, you made a fucking mistake."


Hahahaha, keep in mind I seriously didn’t even care about his comment for a week hahaha, I’m sorry that’s the part that cracks me up the most, just waking up in Dane hate mode.

Anyway, so later Rachael and I went to a comedy club, and I’m friends with most of the local comedians around Salt Lake so well…then this happened.





and this



And I’m not sure what happened here

Even people that don’t even speak English hate this guy


Personally the funniest part about all these videos to me is that I tottally forgot his last name Gilbertson and not Gilbert. There’s going to be some poor guy on youtube who runs across his name one day and sees that all these people hate him for no reason and he will be totally cool with it for a week until he pops awake one night and decides to unleash an internet onslaught of his own…


I’ll be waiting for you Dane Gilbert….and I will be ready.

Log in to write a note

You sound kinda mean. =/

Now Dane, you really shouldn’t pick on little Gil. If your mother had a penis and your father slept with sheep you’d spend all day on the internet trying to insult random people, too. It’s his only distraction from the poor reality that is his homesexual life. Can’t blame him for his spelling either. Not his fault the highest level of education completed in his family was the 1st grade

where the hardest thing to learn how to spell is swallow.

HAHAHAHA oh man. We need to hang. Like now. lets meet halfway when im back in the states in august. miss you danefish. xoxo

Ryn: hahaha well at least you got my reference

You crack me up.


May 21, 2010


May 28, 2010

That’s amazing!