Black out much?

All my "friends" avoid me because I drink too much.


Jokes on them though, because I am totally fucking badass.

So, last night I kind of blacked out. I guess I kept going from totally stumbling drunk to acting completely sober.

I dunno.

I remember walking to a bar at some point, and not having my wallet, and then supposedly as I was walking back home with Alec some car full of girls came and picked us up and then dropped me off back at the bar with my wallet, but Alec didn’t get out, he took off with them. hahaha.

I remember my friend Billy on the roof.

I dunno.

Jesus shit.

I haven’t eaten in two days, and I drink like a fish.

Woke up in someone’s bed this morning.

Smoked cigarettes in bed hahahahaha, drank lots of water and wine.

Now it’s 1:07 pm and I am tipsy as shit.

still drinking wine.

it’s nice.

Imma shower though.

Showering is good.

I wish I could remember last night more.

I think it was good.

I dunno.





Jealous much?



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I’m happy you’re going to see Brand New. When I went I was more than fucking pleased. The show was so hardcore even my vagina rocked out. good shit i’m tellin ya man

January 7, 2010

This definitely ties into the haunting bit I was telling you of the other day.

January 7, 2010

hmmm usually when i black out ive been found doing bad air guitar or asleep in public, usually sitting upright! woooo loads of fun!

sooooooo jealous.

January 7, 2010

Despite what people think of me commenting on this ****, you keep it public so I’m going to be someone that cares for your well being and say KNOCK IT OFF. I hate when you get self destructive. Why do you think we didn’t work as well as we should have? Stop this dane. You DON’T need to be this way. You don’t need to hate yourself and drink yourself to death. STOP IT.

Definitely not jealous. I more worried then anything. Whose bed did you wake up in? Is it someone you knew before last night? Sorry to sound like your mother but sh*t Dane someone has to worry about you.

January 8, 2010

Bleh. Dane seriously. Get a hold of yourself. There’s no reason for you to keep living this way but you choose to …