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November 4, 2006

That is so beautiful. Nature can be so gorgeous sometimes.

November 4, 2006


Beautiful. You want me? Well….come on over!

November 5, 2006

hmm…no paths this time to other pages. Did you take these yourself? If so, where? They are beautiful ^_^.

November 6, 2006

there are pieces of me in all that I write…the trick is finding the fact in the fiction ^_^.

November 6, 2006

oh, and I DID notice that you side-stepped my question by whispering sweet words into my ear ^_~.

::smiles:: I wasn’t quite done with that last bit of writing…you swallowed my entry and ran…hmmm…why does that sound so familiar? ^_~ (BTW: the paper doesn’t exist; the neighbor doesn’t exist; YOU, however do. And you are delightful)

November 9, 2006

the one with the sun on the water….breath taking…