‘Simply ..’ private

     Trees and shrubs sat perfectly still on the lawn beyond my ornate wrought iron screen door.  The sky in the background was a slate of gray pastel, with a frightful chill in the air that blew it’s frigid breath, as you moved, inside your clothing, through any available port, no matter size or location. Your breathing chugging from you in visible puffs, as if you were a human engine, traveling your own significant path to your destination. One step at a time, it registered a determined intent to arrive .. reach the waiting comfort, where hearth and friend could warm the inside, from the outside.

     In the watching, my mind prepared me for the moments ahead. I relished the thought, savored the memory, licking my dry, parched lips, warmed quickly in the sight of your light Ford truck swerving recklessly into my driveway.  Now silently parked behind you, it would wait on you as your tromping bundled frame marched away from it .. forward, over the grass, up the walk .. with hands buried deep in your pockets, neck tucked tightly in the collar of your knee length leather jacket and  shoulders obviously pinched  against your body, against the cold, for the trek to my door.

    In the watching, my mind remembered .. the feel of you snuggled to me, the taste of your volleying kisses, delivered quickly in shivering nakedness, for our quilt-covered cave warmed too slowly for the fire our kindling was building. Your frozen toes danced on the silken surface of the back of my leg and my hip wedged its meaty mass easily passed your warm inner thigh, that laid a roasting path over its rounded bulk, sensuously allowing it to come to rest against the hot home of your private threshold.
    Each of us felt it .. the rising heat of inflating desire, swelling within us.  The sense of intimacy waking to the bells of urgent bliss ringing in the distance.  We heard it!  Our struggling searches fed our libidos, rendering our breathing to healthy, heavy, huffing gasps for more air to refresh us. We know we’re running short of breath, sprinting, when the idea was to walk.. to HELL with the idea!  You feel too good!  Your soft melting flesh wrapped around me securely. Kisses wildly dragging moistened mouths, with puckered lips, along bony roads, frequently returning to the heaving gust of moaning winds that whispered wicked wants. 

     I feel too hard!  My rigid system of muscle and sinew advancing on you .. assaulting you.  A force powered by passion that refuses to quit. Under grasping fingertips, it’s constant pressure and mounting hunger pursues you .. moves you, as it wants. The fire is beginning to rage .. torrid and devastatingly delicious!  Your tender skin is worn red and the arid oven you’re baking in, is intolerable!  Your nipples raw .. your throat flushed, with a rush of writhing warnings moaning my name, among other things .. you throw off the infernal sheets and quilts so necessary before.

     Your shell is gone!  You lie suspended .. free .. and breathe full lungs, in relief, on warm linen that’s quickly cooling.  That brief moment that surprised me and threw me back, the new cool embrace of fresh air gathers you in its arms and your pores rise in rebellion. Before you can reach for a piece of your cotton armor repelled .. you are covered again with the hot sweaty flesh of a lover possessed. It’s a welcomed return to the center of the fire.  Breasts are flattened, bellies are pressed and knees rise for thighs to grab the sides of a waiting waist. Against the scissor of legs crossed soundly, the weight of a man’s want pries the lock open slowly and heads are raised and lowered on/with trembling arms to seal with lips in a tender kiss, the union. 

     The skirmish begins again with new fervor.  As mouths nibble, with tongues dancing .. lips are jabbed and parted gently. Faces release the other’s kiss .. eyes, wide and watching .. study the depth of the other set for understanding. A slight twitch at the corner of the mouth is answered with a gasp, sucked in quickly .. a groan .. and the flower has been entered by the bee .. a dagger has pieced the heart .. a sword has been sheathed to the hilt.

     These two worlds have been enhanced .. changed forever. A memory is underway.  Lost on a path, on life’s journey, a ‘mating’ is occurring.   From this point on, it’s ‘Simply’ private .. a discussion, an embrace, perhaps a promise .. between two alone.  All rules reviewed with a single priority or two needs married only in a moment of time, but private .. nonetheless.

     On the other side of my door, you stand shivering .. stumping the cold off, waiting for the door to swing open and swallow you. You twist and bend slightly, slap your arms and turn to the mirrored diamond window in the door to be recognized .. waiting .. wanting in.


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April 9, 2007

This is the most accurate and moving description I believe I have ever read about the experience. Thank you. It took me to places I like to recall. –Ruby

April 10, 2007

beautifully expressed!

April 10, 2007

^_^ Why say anything when everything’s already been said?

April 10, 2007

it was rhetorical…and it was just…::Sighs:: I usually write a bit in my notes…this one left me with nothing but the desire to stamp my name on the end, a sort of “Katelyn was here”… oh, and the interview went badly ~_~…just a preview to my next entry ::shakes head, laughs::