She ..


        She wasn’t 19 .. idealistic, somewhat deluded by love and sex,  self absorbed and reviewing her reflection with a short touch and a quick tuck.  She walked with the sensuous glide of refinement, muturity.  There was a certainty .. an aura .. that she knew the weight of womanhood well and was still around to prove her worth, if you were dumb enough to challenge her.  Perhaps or maybe not .. she had had her fill of ‘dumb’, because ‘dumbfounded’ just seemed to follow after her. 

       She wore heels .. confidently .. and they curved her calves delicously.  Such a woman would make the view from ankle to knee, a tempting reward for stumbling over and bumping into strangers .. a fair price to pay for a another look .. another shot of the tostesterone surge, when male is ignited by female.

       She stands poised, with the grace of a magazine ad.  We’ve all .. men .. stared at those pictures and marveled .. silently.  Here she is .. in the flesh.  Each move measured and meted out to our libido by our own scrutiny.  We gaze in awe.  But, with that .. this internal yearning .. hoping, wanting .. to touch, to taste.   Then, we fantasize.

       She does unbelievible things, when we fantasize.  She turns us into heros .. sex gods.  A wink, a wave .. a gesture of some sort .. a smile.  Our eyes cruise her curves .. turn the fabric of her apparel into an allie that detects shape and firmness .. feeding us our dose of desire.   As young boys, we wished for X-ray vision or invisability .. not to know the human female form.  We all knew the difference between ‘them’ and us.  But, we wanted to confirm what our imaginations told us.  More often than not, later explorations would bear out the facts that a female was all we thought she was .. all her apparrel revealed to us .. and MORE. 

       She’s now naked, in our thoughts,  and being so .. irresistible.  Ions of species related wiring is thrown to the ‘ON’ position and sparks of energy shoot wildly through us.  The surge is so great .. so intoxicating .. our systems tremble and the pause weakens us in its strength.  Our bellies sour, our hearts pound ..  our faces warm and our bodies get hard.  We’re as taunt as a drawn bow string and as unsure as the arrow being aimed.   Within the blink of an eye, we’ve gone from docile and dormant to  bewildered .. from preoccupied to highly focused and driven.   We become so atoned to this change, as we mature,  that a whiff of perfume .. a flash of flesh .. even the sound of heels, clanking in hallowed halls, may seduce us.

       She’s NOT to blame for this.  She IS much more than she thinks she is, but she’s always had this effect on men.   She can mute it, neuter it .. disguise it.  But, once realized, why would she?  Is it shameful .. too powerful .. too bothersome?  However a woman defines herself, she’s precious .. a precious minority of one.  When I’m left on a deserted island, I will only need one thing .. the location of your deserted island.

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Oh, you’re in, baby! I look forward to catching up on all the sinful things you write about in your diary.

October 12, 2006


ryn~ My diary is almost exclusively F/O ???

Sorry — I think I forgot to add you to my Favs. I noted you, then forgot to do Step 2. You’re in now.