Satin .. by candlelight

     Take me to your bed .. or you will surely find yourself tossed upon it before me and  pursued relentlessly to its four corners in a passionate fit to possess you!   The seductive chance that your body will elude mine is futile, but enticing, I’m certain.   Nonetheless, I will have you and you will be mine!

     In the throes of living a life, a woman can mangle her existence around so many devices that challenge her and test her resilence.   She is born of this world with gifts that often take her years to discover, decades to master.    As she grows and matures, she’s enlightened.  However, she is never afforded all the keys to all her potential in one sitting and, is rather, fed their importance on a ‘need to know’ basis.  I suppose its this way in nature, because these ‘gifts’ are so remarkable .. so influencial in the scheme of things that she must be courted with their significance in a measured manner or the balance of nature and the graces of society would be in jeopardy. 

     As a man, I find it odd that a gender would entertain such critical examination of itself that it would perpetuate its own failures .. create it’s own scenarios and scutinize so thoroughly that it feeds on its own promise.  Yet, on the local level .. one woman .. apart from the rest could generate humanity.  She is key.  Certainly, that task would require a male, but that’s secondary.   Our faith is based simply, on that perception.  If it came down to one woman .. the last human being on earth .. habitation of some form could exist in her lifetime.  SHE could repopulate .. somehow.   I shudder at the possibilities!  Then, again .. if the ‘last’ were male .. we would surely be doomed!

     Having said this .. I have to admit that women deserve and have my greatest admiration.   I wish I could say that my admiration is strictly academic in nature, but I’m human.  That sentiment would take more discipline than I possess.  For that reason, ‘satin by candlelight’ is irresistible.  We are ‘hunters’.  We seek out .. we build .. we protect and we reason.  If woman is the well, then man is the musculed, sweaty, dirty, thirsty, good-hearted, never grew up gender that craves to bath in her beauty and restoration.  We lust to be near her.  She’s never unnoticed .. never without an eye upon her, regardless of what her own senses tell her.     Her realm is romance and romance is his greatest weakness.




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November 8, 2006

The mirror-inspection is a ritual that most — if not all — women experience at one time or another. Even if it is just once a year, just before a big event, you will find a woman standing in front of it asking “Am I pretty enough? Am I womanly enough? Am I desirable?”…

November 8, 2006

with that in mind, it was my goal to highlight a time when, for one woman, all those pergoratives were banished in a complete and utter exceptance of herself, when the last words in her mind were “And it is good.” Originally I was going to take it in a different direction — touch rather than sight. It got away from me though…

November 8, 2006

and I didn’t know how my real life friends would react to such an overt display of sensuality on my part. ::laughs:: I am a bit shy, after all.

November 8, 2006

“We are ‘hunters’. We seek out .. we build .. we protect and we reason. If woman is the well, then man is the musculed, sweaty, dirty, thirsty, good-hearted, never grew up gender that craves to bath in her beauty and restoration.” How true! And how very heartily put.

“shutter” is: *shudder*

I happen to know Satin himself.