
     ‘One hit wonders’  .. ever had one of those? .. No? .. Are you sure?  These aren’t magical, memorable songs from some group that only makes it to No. 1 with one melody and then, passes into history, without a follow up hit.   No, these ‘one hit wonders’ are sex partners that weren’t supposed to be one timers (or two) that disappeared for one reason or another.   Don’t confuse these with one-night stands.  There’s certainly a difference and if you’ve been involved with BOTH .. you know what I mean.   These leave you wondering, ‘What happened?’

     One night stands occur.  It’s late, towards the end of the evening and you hook up with someone you met earlier that finds herself ‘available’ for more, because her ‘evening’ isn’t over, isn’t fulfilled .. or it’s prearranged for curiosity or need and the likelihood of something greater beyond a romp is unlikely, but possible .. no, unlikely .. in spite of the customary name and number exchange at ‘..Later!’.   It’s a mutual service, but no one wants to admit that.  Sex is supposed to be romantic, hot, seductive and move between you with its own momentum .. propelling you to each other, driven by commonality.
     Here’s an example of a ‘one hit wonder’.   Someone you know and consider a friend has a partner that’s eye-fetching, but ‘off limits’ .. because .. well, they’re TAKEN!  I mean, you KNOW  who they’re in bed with, right?  So, HANDS OFF!   Then, there’s that window of opportunity that just appeared out of nowhere and your thoughts sit transparently in your behavior, for whatever reason .. recent breakup, bad day, long time/no love, evil drink .. WHATEVER  .. and you find yourself off and running, seduced by your friend’s friend.     It MAY BE a secret, still sitting in your gut, with the hallow guilt of it all.   You’ve NEVER told a soul and (evidently)  neither have they.   One thing is for sure, it happened.
     The example above isn’t as pure an example as I’m writing to confirm.  But, it’s close.
     No, I’m thinking of Stephanie.  I’ll never forget Stephanie .. and .. I’ll never know why .. not with any certainty at any rate.   It would take a miracle!  Stephanie and I worked together in a mall delicatessen.  In fact, I hired her, being the store manager, to sample cheese and such to passersby to tempt them to stroll inside my store.   She had only turned eighteen a few months before we interviewed, but I had no idea what a quiet nature she had, until she had been working on the job for a bit.   I often had to encourage her in her job duties and tutor her in a good ‘technique’ to engage the customer.
     Stephanie was a cute girl.  Her hair was a dark shiny auburn and she had deep intense emerald green eyes that always seemed to be twinkling.  Across her nose, tiny freckles were sprinkled and with a clear, smooth olive complexion, her full lips were a rich pink.  She was quite lovely, but very shy.  I chalked it up to experience and age and wondered what had sold me in the interview.  ‘Samplers’ were outgoing and vivacious.   I concluded I must have seen a personality to build on.  The only unusual aspect of Stephanie was that she was in the armed forces; the Army.    I think that swayed my decision a lot.
      At any rate, I often flirted with her.  It was an icebreaker and usually put her in a better mood for the job at hand.   She wasn’t a bad sampler.  Just one that had a lot more potential, than she was using. 
     Slowly, I started thinking more about her.  I would make my way to her just to check in on her and as I walked away, I felt an urge to stay that I overcame.   I knew I was fighting an attraction to her.  She was so naive, I thought.  Just an all-American girl-next- door .. cute and shy.    Not at all the kind of girl that fell in with me, normally.  I was a rounder .. a flirtatious outgoing sweetie .. a player. 
     Recently, I had moved into a new apartment, leaving a lot of my stuff behind.   My greatest drawback was furniture.  I had a single bed in the bedroom with a lamp, but the great room was bare to the four corners.  I ate at a counter that separated a small kitchen and had plans to, at some point, buy new.   I complained a lot about my sparse digs and late one night, I got the surprise of my life.  One of my friends, Michelle (another story) was pounding the daylights out of my front door on the second story.  I wasn’t sure  I wanted to open my door at first, she raised such a ruckus.  Once I understood it was HER,  whispering to get inside, I swung the door wide and she bounced in closing the door and shhhing me at the same time.  ‘Shel!  What’s going on?!!’ I had asked.
     ‘Not SO loud!  I’m trying to get away from someone that’s following me! .. I think it’s a cop!’  She peered out the peephole, but finally turned to answer me.  ‘I have a beautiful couch and chair!  Do you want it?!’
    "What?!"  (It was all I could muster)  ‘.. a couch and a chair? ..What are you talking about?!’  I couldn’t figure out what was happening.  Michelle found me furniture? Why?
Why this late?  Why is she in a panic?  I wondered.  Then she took the time to fill me in.  Her brother had stolen a couch and chair and had unloaded it on her, when he felt he had been seen and it might be traced to him.  He couldn’t get caught with them in his possession (like sitting in his living room, when the cops got there).  Michelle had remembered my dilemma and said she ‘knew’ someone who could use them.  He had to get rid of them fast and said okay and loaded them in her truck.  She rode right over, but thought a cop had turned around to follow her, after he passed her.
        ‘Great!’ I’m thinking.  ‘What is Michelle getting me involved in here?’   A time passed, before her brother arrived and the two of us hauled a huge chair and sofa up a flight of stairs in the dark and into my great room.  They were nothing like I would have bought!  ..  crushed blue velvet with broad arms and cushy pillows.  After they were inside, Michelle and her brother hurriedly left.  I flopped in the plush puffy chair and waited for the cops to knock on my door.   It never happened.
      Not long after that, I came home about six in the evening and lounged on my bed, eating dinner and watching the television.   I fell into a fast sleep, after the meal, until I heard someone knocking on my door.  It was almost 11.  In my groggy walk to answer it, it crossed my mind that I might find a uniformed policeman waiting.  This sobered up me quickly.   I peered through the peephole and realized it was a girl.  I opened the door and found Stephanie standing there, neatly dressed for an evening out.  She stepped forward without a word and I pulled the door wide to accommodate her.  It was good to see her, but I didn’t know she knew where I lived. I asked how she found me and she muttered something about asking .. ‘someone’ .. who gave her directions.  All the while, she was moving slowly across my carpet.   It was weird and delightful at the same time. 
     I started to make small talk, defending the bare walls, I think.  But, I had no sooner started, when she turned and stepped against me and put her arms around my neck and  pulled me down into a long kiss.  It was remarkable, because it didn’t have any warning or planning involved in it.  I felt she wanted this .. needed this.  I didn’t have a problem surrendering to it.  My wonder gave way to lust, as I tried to inch us to my cluttered bed around the corner amid my mess.   She resisted all motion, so I eased slowly backwards and cradled our descent onto the plush crushed velvet blue couch and pulled her soft frame on top of me, like a fluffy sweet smelling blanket.   My legs wrestled hers on board with mine and I heard the thud of her shoes falling to the carpet.   Our kiss held us fastened, our faces warmed and we began to writhe on our slippery cloud.
     I think she wanted that first kiss to last until she walked away from me.  Somehow, I managed to peal her free of her designer jeans .. and open her blouse, pop her bra and glimpse her full rounded breasts, before I clicked off the lamp above us.  I can remember being stunned by their size and beauty and looking up from them to gaze into her eyes for just an instant,  before switching off our sight.  Her panties were off, under her own power, before I returned my mouth to hers in the dark. 
     My bare chest felt the delicious cool flesh of her against me.  My rigid thick dick was pressed in the groove of her and I could feel her thighs rise along the sides of my hips and spread open to invite me.  With one hand to guide me, supported on one arm, I adjusted my arrow to pierce the center of her target and prodded the blunt tip of it into her, making her gasp one whimper.  I left the blade of my dagger to slice her open on it’s own, to kiss her parched mouth and wet the lips of my desired.    
      She never uttered a sound that I know of.  She simply allowed me herself, for my bidding.   I gave her all I had and when it was done, I got up to grab a warm cloth for her.  She asked where I was going and sitting upright, declined my mission.  This confused me, but she was already on her feet, snapping her breasts in and buttoning her blouse. I watched her outline, before my window, while I stood naked.  I offered to turn on the light, she refused.  She bent to retrieve her jeans and I heard the rustle of them sliding up her legs.
I needed the light, so I was stranded .. a spectator beside her.  I wondered if this was a joke of some kind. What a ridiculous thought!   I began to question the sense of all this.
In no time, she was together and I think she felt my predicament.  She took my hand and lead me on her walk to my door .. gently pulling me behind her in the darkness.
     The door opened and in the light offered by the parking lot, she again turned and said ‘I left you something on your chair.  It isn’t much, just a self portrait I drew in pastels not long ago.’   Then, she leaned towards me and kissed me .. so softly .. just a moment longer than I expected.  With that, she disappeared down the staircase.
     I had only said ‘Thanks’ to her ‘gift’ and told her I would see her tomorrow.  Our parting kiss left no trails to pursue.  I stepped back and closed the door, turned on the light and noticed a  large square of manilla paper that had been folded in half, half again and again.  I opened it and found a brilliant pastel of Stephanie.  I was awestruck!  The talent and skill was remarkable!  Nothing like I expected.   I quickly opened my door and peered out in enough time to see her tail lights turning left out of my complex onto the road that led passed it.
     Twenty minutes later, I was still studying the artwork.  It was too good to just give away. She must want more from me.   That’s it!  She knows she’ll get this back, when she moves in eventually.  Give it to the guy, keep the guy .. keep the pastel.  Sure, that’s it!!   Well, she sure did make my night!   Maybe I should think about this.  With that, I went to bed .. still pondering Stephanie.
     I woke pondering Stephanie.  How was I going to deal with this?  A lot depended on what our conversations would be, once I got to work. 
     That had been a Thursday night.  Stephaniewas a ‘no call/ no show’ for several days. 
I had tried calling her, but no one answered.  Finally, on my last call, her phone number had been disconnected.   About a week later, my boss, also bewildered, because I was so bewildered .. came to me very matter-of-fact and said that he’d gotten a reply from the authorities  on his inquires regarding Stephanie O.   It seems that she’d been sequestered, with her family, in the witness protection program, pertaining to a matter involving the Secret Service.    She WAS in the military.  However, ALL of her immediate family was relocated. 
      This is still a mystery to me and my ‘most bizarre’ one-hit-wonder.  You see, no one could know what happened that night.  I was HER boss .. das ist forbodden!   I was trapped on both sides .. with a pastel of a beautiful female that left me with a mysterious memory and no clue that I left her with no more than the same. 
      I’ll never forget Stephanie.

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May 8, 2007

Wow… that’s such an amazing story…. Romantic and yet sad… amazing just the same.

May 8, 2007


May 20, 2007

speechless. entirely speechless.