One fetish, please ..

     The idea of an entry, focusing a fetishes, has been knocking around in my head forever!  Let’s see .. ‘forever’ is a year.  There’s SO many and so many reasons why they’re fetishes!  I’m not an expert.  It just fascinates me!  You should share yours, note me.  I’ll share one of mine in a minute.
     When I looked up the word .. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary .. I found ‘fever’ on the same page and found that interesting,  because I often use ‘fever’ to describe the warming sensations of rising lust and desire in many of my writings.  Fetishes help ignite that warmth.  They’re the kindling for the fire that rages in your belly, before it spreads.  But, they’re more than that!  A fetish is ‘ an object believed to have magical power to protect or aid it’s owner’ .. ‘an object held in great reverence’ .. ‘a body part that arouses libido often to the exclusion of genital impulses’.   There we are! 
     When I think ‘fetish’, I think of nipples and toes, fingers and feet, necks and shoulders, by that definition.  However, I thought fetishes were also behavioral. My bed! .. ahem, I mean .. my BAD!  (FINGER Fetish)  What I mean is, I thought patterns of sexual behavior, like bondage, mock rape, incest and the like, were also fetishes.   That’s okay!  There’s still plenty left to share and comment on.  I’ll just have to change my fetish confession! Not.a.problem.   So, what do you call a desire to shag women with their high heels on or while they’re clothed in flannel pajamas .. make love on only satin sheets .. or insisting on oral without any hands?  Can anyone tell me?   Maybe I need another dictionary source!
     I met several females that confessed that sucking on their nipples and fondling their breasts was enough to ‘get them off’ .. "if you do it long enough, I’ll cum".  Another, said her most intense orgasm was achieved, when her legs were closed and he merely slid himself in and out of the small triangular space, created when her legs were closed.    I like that one!  It’s great foreplay.  It’s also very sexy to guys, that sensuous little path between that allows light through,  when a female is seen standing up.  Every woman has a man’s lusty appetite at that moment.    It’s visible in the swimsuit season also and blares ‘Woman!’ to excite a man’s libido, ’cause we don’t have one! (.. a little pass through, Lady)

     This small insight, reminds me of someone on OD that I grew fatefully close to, before we fell apart miserably and became the catalyst for my diary becoming more sexually active.  You need only trace my entries back to see the change.  That’s why no matter the distance traveled in other relationships, that itch was never scratched.  It makes you perpetually horny and unfulfilled.  Anyway, she hated the shape of the high inner thigh, that lazy soft curve just below ‘Heaven’s’ sweet pink curtains.  She wished women had more the shape of a man’s thigh in that area.  I attributed it to childbearing, which had no influence on her.   I’ve always loved spending a fair amount of time sucking and kissing that tender fleshy spot, but never thought of it being negative in any way to either of us.   I celebrated it!       
     Women are designed so perfectly for physical love, with a wiring that’s meant to multi-task several directions, if needed.  She’s made to process data differently, through a more intricate sieve, which enables her to glean only the best mate for her needs and later, the best results from her choice of mates.  She’s smart, social and savvy.  She’s erotic and irresistible, esp. when challenged to be more.  She’s equipped to make an entire world apart from the rest on the planet and she’s an instrument of change and social order.   Her nature is to be open to being loved and cared for.  She’s so fragile, yet so strong.  She can lead, but prefers to be led, to allow her to accomplish what she exists for, behind the decisions she’s cleverly made, through the use of her mate.  He thinks it’s HIS idea!
     As a gender, like men, there’s a commonality among all women, but as individuals, each stands in her own right, as one complete package.  She’s as individual as can be had, with more opportunities, than she gives herself credit.  She’s consumed with an odd backpack of issues, that men tolerate, because she’s priceless.   Issues that ignore how men drool over jiggling flesh, where his is firm .. how men cave to the woman that brings out the man in him .. how his life is centered on her, when his own worth is recognized.  I guess womanhood is a ‘fetish’ on its own, made up of millions of individual threads that make men gawk and talk, wink and whistle, sigh and cry at one time or another.  We must be a sight to see!
     But on the road to wrapping one single thread around us, we may rub the bottoms of your feet and slip a toe, one at a time, between our lips to suck your heart through your bones.  You may feel the slide of our tongue on the back of your neck and have a breathy persuasion reduce your agenda to ours for the thrill of doing your will.  We will gnaw on you, tease your moan from you .. chew our way to every hidden treasure and steal it for a time to adore it’s beauty, as it dazzles us in our grasp.   The marks that lie scattered, red and burning, behind us are only our record of where we’re heading, by where we’ve been.  Your ‘most precious jewel’ is waiting ..  your fragrant blossom in bloom, with its petals to pluck and pursue to the depths of your pleasure and passion. 
     Rita Hayworth, a long departed WWII pinup movie star (way before my time!) is quoted as saying, ‘It’s easy to be glamorous, you just lean against a wall and smile’.  How can men compete, with a truth like that ..  walk in the dark and whistle?  I know there’s plenty that makes us desirable too and some of it would surprise, even me.  But, for all out sizzle, you ladies win hands down!   There isn’t one standard and that’s why our heads turn so easily. We’re monkeys in a cage, when a woman passes.  Next time you hear a racket behind you, it’s one of us, head long into a sign post, a wall, some other obstacle that tripped us up, when you threw us off balance.  
     Trust you have what it takes and take a lesson from us.  Keep your tools well oiled and only lend to someone you trust to take care of them.   Uhm, practice makes perfect .. and, ah ..  don’t settle for imitation, get the REAL thing (not a Coke!).     

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July 7, 2007
July 10, 2007

shitty, shitty, shitty day…I’ll come back later…