Oh, ye of little faith!

     I remember a story that I once heard, about a guy that ran frantically from the Patent Office in Washington DC and immediately began soliciting various passersby for money.  He was filled with urgency as he also ran from group to group of small gatherings, seeking any money that could be spared, promising a share of his new creation, because he had fallen short of the required ‘fee’ to patent his invention.  Very few took him seriously and sent him on with their laughter, but he finally collected enough money to return to the patent office.  The era was the early nineteen hundreds.  Automobiles were tin lizzies and horse drawn carriages were more civil. Men tipped their hats and wore handlebar moutashes. Ladies carried parasols and sassayed about in huge lacy hats and wide full dresses with shoes that buttoned passed their ankles. Hot days were soothed away with an icy 6oz bottled Coca Cola from the nearest drug store.  

     The man’s hard work swept through our culture and those that had contributed were well rewarded for their generosity in the shares they were given to the "7up Bottling Company".


Sorry, this picture refuses to be re submitted!

Check the guy in the lower left……… that’s Bill Gates.

Stephen Jobs, owner of Apple Computers, in center in red (I THINK).

 Paul Allen, the owner of the Seattle Seahawks with a net worth around $20 billion is on the far right, lower corner!!

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May 4, 2006

mmmm,I like 7-up….

May 4, 2006

*pouts* i don’t see the pic 🙁

May 4, 2006

what did you do with the picture? you tease!