NORMAL trivia VS ..



1. Name the two breeds of elephants, and tell us which is the larger of the two.

2. What elephant (BY NAME) appeared in a classic Disney motion picture?

3. This woman aviator made the first solo flight from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland in 1935. In 1937, she attempted a flight around the world and was lost over the Pacific Ocean. Name her.

4. What comedy duo has a work honored in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

5. What city was Israel’s first capital from 1948 to 1950?

6. Name Israel’s current capital.

7. What bird is the official bird of the United States?

8. Name the Founding Father who avidly opposed the selection of the bird in the preceding question as our National Bird. For Bragging Rights, name the bird this Founding Father favored far above the National Bird selected at that time, which is still our feathered symbol.

9. In what year was West Virginia separated from the state of Virginia? In what number is it entered in the list of states?

10. Name the United States’ largest and smallest states in area.


1. The two breeds of elephants are the African and Asian (Indian). The African is the larger of the two.

2. Disney’s famed elephant is Dumbo.

3. The famed aviator was Amelia Earhart.

4. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello’s famous comic skit "Who’s on First?" is so-honored.

5. It was Tel Aviv.

6. Israel’s capital is Jerusalem, but most countries still maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv.

7. The American bald eagle is the U.S. National Bird.

8. Benjamin Franklin opposed the selection of the bald eagle. He preferred the turkey as our National Bird.

9. West Virginia is the 35th state. It was severed from Virginia on June 20, 1863, and entered into the Union as a new state.

10. Alaska is the largest; Rhode Island, the smallest.
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