Man of the Month

Ryan Berry
Steve Kim
Ryan Berry, boy toy .. perfect for strapping in the seat next to you for a quickie (or a ‘longy’ if you’re the patient sort or the ‘iceberg’ in spring thaw) .. maybe two or three quickies!  Nah!  ‘Tonight, I just want to be held’.  You want to WHAT?!! .. OH, NO! I’m not that kind of girl! .. You can GO for HOW long? .. THAT many times!!? // hmmm .. WAIT a minute!  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!! .. Come BACK here!  I’m thinking ..
Steve Kim .. a MAN with a TOWEL .. I mean, a MAN with a TERRY TOWEL!  Just a guy with a terry towel and a BOD!  A MUSCLED bod that could drive his point home that you’re definitely FEMALE and he’s just another notch for your entertainment!  Of course, he wants to manage the clay of your curves, until they’re sizzling hot, melting under the firm direction of his pressing and prodding.  The musky scent of a man engrossed with you, tempting your nose .. drying your tongue .. making it hard to swallow, yet moans survive their arid paths from lungs to lips and breathe on a waiting ear cradled against your cheek. A hard body sliding along your soft smooth skin of sensuous silk, pressing itself against you in a longing lust to possess you with all at his command.  A moment to moment memory made in mad thoughts of gorging yourself with him, but mother said chew your food slowly, dear.   A fleeting glimpse into his surveying eyes, as they carress your body in their hungry fashion and lips touch you softly .. slowly .. with a caring tenderness, when you hear his groan .. low and lonely .. vibranting through your flesh.   A sense that your desire will soon throb from you uncontroled, if he doesn’t plunge his persausive pursuit into your pungent pool that waits in a furious swirling storm for his discovery.    A subtle shift .. a move for room, it’s understood you think and his thigh falls into place, smearing your passion, like a open wound on the surface of his rigid limb. A spark of hope .. a warm tongue down your neck .. along your collarbone .. with light nipping kisses that thrill you.  A long tugging kiss that buries itself in the creamy pillow of your breast .. a gnawing .. with startling pleasure, as your skin is drawn from your bones and pulled into his  kisses, the racing heartbeats, releasing your resolve ..  your arms pull him to you .. your legs lasso his hips and your grasp of what you want has you rising from your warm nest to cleave to him.            
Matthew McConaughey, a pretty boy .. a bad boy .. the Male of the Species.
Daniel Craig ( 007"""" )
Another example of what’s waiting to be enjoyed!  Man, I can’t wait until summer!  You women drive us crazy with your jiggles and giggles!  Skimpy suits, sarongs, painted toenails and tanlines.  I know, there’s plenty of insecurity and self-consciousness in FEMALES, when I throw out such a thought so carelessly.  But, the truth is, you should never let yourselves think that it’s a competition.  (I KNOW it is!)  But, the REAL focus isn’t on skimpy suits, sarongs, painted toenails and tanlines!  It’s on YOU .. in WHATEVER!!  If you can find the courage to carry yourself well, be yourself and stop thinking that men look at women, like you look at each other, than you can’t go wrong!  There’s love and adventure driving itself to boredom, in its wait for you to be ready to take the chance on it.  Summer Love isn’t one-sided. 
     But, just to bring you back down to earth .. a final thought .. the AVERAGE man.  You know, the one that bugs you, when you’re out with friends, while you’re wanting to wrap your gaze around a chiseled square jaw line or allow your stare to be swallowed up in the rippling knots of man’s muscle tone .. arms, legs .. back.  When you’re tempting yourself to follow the lines of masculine perfection, until your eyes bump into this awesome wide white grin, settled nicely beneath a flawless nose, which happens to be pointing your way under a pair of twinkling, piercing sea green eyes on a tanned face; sincere and inviting.  Youth, strength and confidence in full flower, (apparently) considering your tender garden for a planting of seeds and sighs by candlelight for a few days or a night (if you don’t start hiccuping .. again .. or shoot vodka out your nose).
     Those things never happen with the AVERAGE guy! 
  (  I KNOW .. I shouldn’t have stopped the middle of things back there.  )

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you’re crazy. those guys are gross. they are like the equivalent of the bleached blonde bimbo who’s had so much plastic surgery her face is so nondescript and “conventional” (beauty? that’s definitely a question mark), that if someone was asked to describe her to a sketch artist they wouldn’t be able to remember her. Plus i don’t like body building muscles on guys…

…some muscle definitely but not huge…Matthew McConaughey is hot though(although that is a bad picture of him). Daniel Craig is not my type but he’s really got that elegant bond sexy ice man going on. Those eyes are pretty impressive.

oh, and Borat…well that’s an unfortunate sight there, but the guy who plays Borat (Sasha Cohen?) is actually a pretty handsome guy.

March 10, 2008

lol at the last picture

March 12, 2008

Thank you for your notes. I appreciate the insight you give me, and the depth you went in to describe what i needed to hear. it really helps me a lot, so thanks again 🙂

May 22, 2008

Yeah thanx. I’m uh, gonna go take a cold shower now. 🙂

The only thing skinny guys have going 4 them, is that there are more positions, they can do but I love fat guys. Y U M I love the soft rolypolyness of them. They’re soooo sexy! 😉