Lo-li-taaa ..

     .. what she was .. was tired. And a little drunk.

     So, she stripped and crawled naked between the cool white hotel sheets.


     Of  melons and jetliners and not being able to find her way back on the freeway, even though she has a map.

     I let her fall into her dreamy drive, watching her breathe deeply, slowly .. as she escaped these trappings for visions a world away.   After a time, I leaned in to her .. breathed in the fragrance of her sleeping presence.   A cross between salty liquor and Hibiscus greeted my nose and  burrowed its spicy scent into my brain.  I reeled slightly, delighted to recognize my flour totilla that was  ‘Lo-li-taaa .. the Mexican prostitute’.  

     This saucy dish, so silent in slumber, was sought on the lips of whatever caballero she encountered.   Men, brave and handsome, would gather in small groups and whisper her challenge among them to buoy their bravado, at the sight of her mingling amid a crowded room.  An elbow bent quickly in the air to clear a man’s soul of his hesitation would mark a trumpet call to arms and the rap of his empty glass on a passing tray would be the shot that sent him forth to win her, if only for a moment or two.   She was sly .. elusive .. Lolita .. yet, steadfast with her confident chin and half-filled cocktail glass ~ a reigning Prima Dona, loose and lovely, secure in her femininity.   She looked a man (before her) straight in the eye, then .. dropping her gaze and giving him hope.  That brief instant nailed his destiny for all to see.   His heart melted, his expression embraced her, but his resources failed him.  Within minutes, he’d be back among his comrades, passing the word, filling their ears, while they filled his glass .. each wanting to grasp one useful tip that would carry them over-the-top with her .. interest her and let him take it to the next level.

     Now, lying beside her, I recalled the events that landed me here in this  sought after and sacred spot on her bed.   I remember standing close, but not in, just such a cluster of manpower.   Eager available knights of the realm, ready to charge at the right moment and capture the maid, in spite of her wiles, and scurry her off for a time. A time that would later be shared with a glass held high in the middle of a band of brothers, with hearty boosts and great laughter.

     Knowing this, disturbed me.  Before another weak pawn could advance on this royal that preoccupied them, I stepped firmly forward.   My arrival in her intimate circle was so abrupt, I heard the dropping of a glass, the quiet of heads jerking quickly around with tongues dangling from open mouths in silence and stood my ground .. very close to her and watched her eyes follow the trail of my buttons, until she was looking up into my face.  I sensed that all eyes in her coven were on me.  All motion was frozen and as I stood planted, I felt uncomfortable.  I watched her lips part into a wide smile and heard her "Well, hello there .. ".  With that, I bent forward and scooped her from the floor to the gasp of the room.

     "Excuse me!" I said and marched through the throng with her high in my arms.

     "Oh, my!" she had gasped, as she was lifted from the floor and she clung precariously from my shoulder by her forearm with a drink in hand and the other searching the exposure of her leg to the crowd.  "Where are we going?" she asked.

     ".. for a walk!", I said and we disappeared out of the room with assorted remarks of disbelief, echoing behind us.   Once free of the party, a safe distance from an interruption, I set her down on her feet again.  I expected a wild left hook, but found curiosity instead.

     "Do I know you?! .. Were you invited tonight?! she asked, steadying her glass and trying to straighten her attire at once.

     "No, you don’t and yes, I was" I answered, with a slight bow of my head.   I still waited for a sucker punch, but once released, I could see that this was a seasoned sultry fem fetal.   She was much more beautiful close up.   She relaxed and found her comfort level quickly.  I liked that!  I made my intentions very clear, at times in a slow low manner that placed our faces very close, as I looked into her eyes.   I wanted to be with her .. anywhere .. alone.  No commitments, just allow things to happen.  If they didn’t, well .. they didn’t.  She told me she was married.  She said she loved her husband.  I told her I admired that and I would NEVER sleep with him.  She laughed.
It was a nervous laugh with a wicked lilt in it.   A laugh that says she knows she could have her cake and eat it too and it would be alright.  She was considering.

     I could ask for nothing more.  She hadn’t given me her answer, when she stated resolutely that she needed to go back.  I nodded, knowingly.   I felt a tinge of disappointment.  I’d taken it to the next level, but it would be bittersweet.  As my mind grappled with this fact, she stepped closer me with her arm extended.  In her fingers, she held a hotel key.   My spirits shot from hiding, as I picked it from her hand. 

     ‘This is my room .. see YOU  later’ she said and turned on her heel and walked away. 

     ‘Yeah, see you soon’ I said.  

     Some while later, as I laid on her bed in the dark, I relived parts of our earlier encounter.  At one point, I’d told  her I didn’t even know her name.  She had leaned back, against the wall and swayed playfully, as she fiddled with her necklace .. "Why I’m Lo-li-ta, the Mexican prostitute", which took me with such surprise, I was compelled to laugh off the idea.  But, I continued to call her by that name, until we parted.  It was all I knew to call her.

      I heard the click of a door closing.    A light flashed on and literally blinded me!  She crawled from her clothes, as I waited to be noticed, and walked into the bath, clad in the laciest panties, you ever did see.  It was arousing to watch her sensuous curves move about, without a thought to our understanding in her head.   Clearly, she had forgotten and she was obviously .. a little drunk.   Another switch by the bath had thrown the room again into darkness, save the light she hit in the bath on the way in.  The door closed and I waited, unsure of my next move. 

     When the dooropened, I studied the outline of a naked female form, then it was pitch black.  Her yank on the bed linen was followed immediately with the collapse of her body beside me.  I heard a huge sigh, before she tossed her precious bounty on its belly and listened to her breathing fall into a steady stride.   I chose to take the high road, rather than wake the dead.  But, I couldn’t leave without a kiss on her most irresistible asset, adorned with a tattoo.  To my surprise, I unsettled her and left with her remark, ringing in my ears .. ".. not tonight, honey.  I’ll be home tomorrow" 

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May 11, 2007

And I prefer Baby Doll by Tennessee Williams to Lolita….but thats just me…..

May 29, 2007

coffee ^_~? I still want to meet up! ::big, impish grin::