In that minute moment ..

     The door crackled open and shut behind you, but in that short flood of light into your bedroom, I held a brief seductive image of you.  Only your shape cut through the flash, for a second. In that minute moment, you paused .. long enough to seek the light switch, then I heard the door snap shut, leaving a more dense darkness before me.  As your path to me, lying on your bed, sounded your approach, one footstep at a time, I envisioned you .. perfectly poised to enter. My mind scooped your curves from the doorway and pictured them in my mind.

     Immediately, I wanted you .. nearer to me .. by me.  My whole body waited to embrace you in any way it could. The quiet agonizing calm of lying alone, listening to you prepare was now ending. I hoped you wouldn’t take long.  I prayed I’d overwhelm you. I yearned to be joined quickly. As time won it’s case for idleness, my fledgling erection, so assuring in the first five minutes on the cool crisp linen of your bed, began to wane and I stroked it gently, hoping to revive it’s rigid form.  Breathing the fragrance of your room and opening my thoughts to the possibilities of you naked and warm beneath me, DID regain a bit of my confidence.  But, it was short lived. 

     Familiar sounds, logically followed the shadows of your ankles that danced in the light that escaped under the closed door. I breathed many deep heavy sighs .. waiting .. watching .. wondering.  Then the brushing stopped .. the running water into the sink ceased .. the knob of the door squeaked a slow turn .. and light raced from the carpet, up the side of the door, across the top and inside the open doorway, stood an exciting silhouette, a sensuous form of soft curves and long lines eclipsed by the light behind.  An arm rose slightly, revealing a nippled breast, then dropped, plunging the room into a black pitch heavy with wanton reward.

     The weight on the edge .. a knee perfectly placed, rocking my world from slide to side ..flesh!   A subtle breath of sweet perfume filled my nose and was stolen, leaving me famished for more. The soft skin of your bare thigh rubbed my stomach lightly, in passing, and felt the wet tip of me, bobbing as a bouy on a wave, slapping the side of it, releasing your whimper.   My hand searching .. reaches up and lands on the smooth rise of your lower spine, then pulled your invisible form over sideways, on top of me. Your raw sexuality, now sprawled on me in ambush, made you laugh and struggle to adjust yourself .. find the spot you could gain a cuddly fit into without exposing all your rich bounty at once.  My awareness of you swallowed you savagely .. hungrily. At last! .. She’s here!

     My impatient sentinel, without a conscious thought, has returned at ‘attention’ to his post and is pressed against you, squished between hip and belly and you froze .. as I heard you in the dark .. "Oh, my!" .. and your fingers found it, grasped it gently and wiped a thumb over it’s runny nose .. back and forth, until you heard .. "Oh, my Gawd" immerge from me. 

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October 8, 2006

::huge grin:: yay! your words are like a favorite candy, found as a surprise upon first coming home…

October 10, 2006


October 11, 2006

“Oh, my Gawd” … you took the words right out of my mouth! 😛

June 15, 2007

the last part really reminds me of myself lol…you must have had experiences like these..