Generation Gap

..From a fellow diarist .. I couldn’t resist ..

     Skimpy bathing suits and short skirts, long behind her .. Catherine sat sober and stiff between the young dark-eyed stranger and the sofa arm of her camelback sofa. ‘How long have you known Jenny?’, she asked.  He turned his face to her .. soft black curls bounced and stalled around his cheeks and forehead. "Such a cutie" she thought.

     "Not long", he said.  ‘When will she be back again?’ he asked and glanced at his watch.

     Catherine gestured a shrug and a slight frown. ’30 minutes or so, I think .. not much more than that’ she answered .. she didn’t know you were coming over?’   

     "naww .. I just got off early and thought she’d like to do somethin’, he said.  ‘You know, it’s uncanny, but she looks a lot like you.’

         ‘I’ve always heard that’, Catherine said proudly, as her face flushed and burned beet-red. ‘ ..but don’t tell HER that.  She’s as lovely as I was once.  She’ll remember you thought it!’

    ‘ Really? .. hmmm. Well, I’d go out with you.  The fact is, I like older women.’ he said.

    Catherine sat still, uncomfortable and somewhat woosey with wonder, but ask "Your name is Max, right?"  He looked again at his watch, tapping his foot.

     "Yeah, that’s right", he said, turning his dark beauty back to her.

     "Well, Max .. you shouldn’t flatter a woman my age, when she’s been alone, as long as I have", she found herself saying. "Jenny’s father has been gone for awhile." 

         "No, I’m serious .. I’ve been watching you since I got here.  You’re alright!" he said. "I mean, yeah, it’s more Martha Stewart or Sela Ward attraction. But it’s real .. not motherly, very nice."

         An old familiar pleasure began to fill Catherine. She felt giddy and read her sensuous signs immersing in her. ‘Ohhh, this feels sooo good’ she thought.  "Well, Max, how old are you? .. 20? 21?"  Her hands became animated as she spoke .. "..and I’M .. at least twice THAT!"  She felt the bittersweet truth in what she’d just said, but it was laced with the hope that somewhere in this hunky youth was the tact to let her down gracefully .. allowing her the spicy fantasy of it to last, just a bit longer.

     She was in complete surprise, when his face leaned in, cheek to cheek with hers and whispered slowly in her ear .. "We have enough time to test that theory .. I want to .. game??" and lightly pressed a breathy hot kiss to her ear.

     "Oh, Max! I don’t kno .. " His lips softly muted her mouth, as he strung moist kisses on it.. each one building an urge in her as they tumbled her wall of resistance.  "SO LONG AGO!" she hollered to herself. A wave swelled in her .. she felt her tummy clench and knew if his fingers fondled   her, they would be marked with her NOW.  Her logic reasoned why and her soul danced in this romantic rain and laughed ‘why not!’. She squirmed to gain control and found this only made his kisses sweeter .. wetter. 

     A tongue slid over her teeth and gums and slipped into her mouth.  Her own tongue rubbed his and she sucked it from him .. sliding it between her lips to suck on it, like a peppermint stick.  But, this flavor made her tremble. He moaned long and breathy, which sent her own groan from her. "He’s mine" she thought deliciously, and her kisses grew frantic. 

     It was then that she felt his fingertips lightly circling her hidden bud and she opened her eyes to see him nude. "When?!  .. How?!" she pondered. Her jeans were open and half off, hi

s hand was inside her panties and his fingers were wet and slippery, as they circled and sunk easily inside her, then returned to the swelling bulb between her legs that made her feel like swinging her legs wide to please herself with him. "Oh, Gawd! He’s going to fuck me," she realized.  "I won’t stop him! .. I don’t want to stop him! .. Oh, gawd, Maxmmm!"  Max could only hear what she spoke .. "That’s it! .. yeah! .. mm,yeah .. " and slid his fingers in her over and over.

          Max rose and pealed himself from her and yanked her jeans over her hips and rear.  Catherine bent her knees and raised her legs to watch them be bared by the young man in his hunger for her. At first she had whined his warmth taken from her so abruptly, but quickly succumbed to his intentions and surveyed the look of her lover.  A young warrior, bare and firmly muscled but not bronzed. A very young man, lean and lanky, with an erection that seemed larger by the size of the rest of him, but SO determined.  His manhood drooling, waved about, like a thick pink pot handle,she thought, as he struggled to pull her identity off her. "Oh, my gawd yes" she thought watching it bounce above his skinny legs.

        She felt his hands on her upper arms. He pushed her down into the cushions and moved as a cloud, over her. Lying midway on the sofa, she attempted to move and felt his hands grasp her waist and lift her further up at once. Here she felt wanton .. wanted .. needed. Her arms rose to encircle his neck and shoulders, her breasts rose and fell anticipating, her heart beat madly .. a vibrant, mature spirit made desirable and irresistable by a male half her age. Her soft curves molded to him .. her thighs took the weight of his legs .. her calves laid as lumber across the back of his and pressed her ankle along the muscle .. his musky scent filled her nose when his pouty lips pressed hers, asking for her  .. and his firm gender kissed its target twice before entering her to its full length and both moaned and groaned as they ran back and forth across the bridge of .. the Generation Gap.    







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October 20, 2006

I’m back!!! Come be my friend again…pretty please