.. delicious kiss.

 ‘I WANT YOU!  and I’ve felt this way for a long time!’.. Lisa dropped the note to her lap and balled your hand into a fist, crumbling the message within it.  "Why is it that I get arousing notes from guys that have no effect on me?!" she thought .. "guys I could care less about!?"  Her friend, Donna, sat in her chair .. watching.  She rose and stood by Lisa, then felt her body relax with the touch of her fingertips, as they slowly stroked the long shiny locks of Lisa’s hair .. soothing her. 

     "Are you alright?" she asked. 

     "Yeah, I’m okay .. just a little lonesome, I guess" said Lisa.

     "I’m feeling the same way, kinda," said Donna. "What are we gonna do about THAT?" she asked, with new vigor.  Donna noticed Lisa’s face looking up to her from the tone in her voice. For a moment, her heart skipped a beat, as she returned Lisa’s ‘needing to feel wanted’ look with surprise in the instant karma that flowed over her. "Wait a minute, Dammit!" she thought .. I wanna kiss her! .. that’s WEIRD!" 

     Lisa’s expression changed to a grin and she leaned slightly back and asked, "What? .. What are you thinking?"  Donna stiffened somewhat and looked perplexed.  Lisa knew Donna was hiding something, by the color that filled her cheeks.  "Come ooon .. TELL me!" Lisa smiled and waited.

     Donna felt the urge to speak, but held back for some reason she couldn’t utter.  The awful truth WOULD NOT leave her brain and she didn’t want to sound completely GAY, but KNEW she would if she confessed!  What really confused her was this rising arousal that had continued from the inception of her first thought of it. She could feel her panties becoming more damp, yet the thought of it SHOULD be repulsive .. but it wasn’t. It wasn’t.

     Finally, she felt her mouth moving, but feared what it might be saying.  "It’s the funniest thing .. uhmm .. I guess you brought out the mother in me .. I just wanted to make you feel better," she heard herself saying.  Lisa rose from her chair and wrapped her arms around Donna.

     "Awww, Don-na" she said .. "you’re such a GOOD friend to me .. I love you so much!"  Lisa’s breasts pressed against Donna’s in a snug warm fit, which felt comforting to Donna. Again, her panties took another dose of her own sweet wetness and she began to concern herself with what she could do about the mess.  As the hug subsided, Lisa looked into her face and glanced at Donna’s partially opened mouth with lips now warm and dry from her breathing and her thinking. Without pause, Lisa leaned closer to her face and put her lips against Donna’s, giving her an alarming jolt that shook Donna into a step back with a surprising gasp. "Ohh!" she said, placing her fingers to her lips.

     "Oh, Donna, I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to startle you!  Please forgive me!" Lisa said.  Donna licked her lips where Lisa’s had been and realized she was still herself .. still standing .. no bolt of lightening streaked through the ceiling to annihilate her.  A warmth glowed through her and a need became clear. As Lisa went on apologizing, Donna heard only the noise of it without a word of comprehension and grew more sober by the second as she stepped closer to her new friend and yearned to feel her kiss again.  She wouldn’t remember when Lisa stopped talking, nor the look on Lisa’s face as she moved in for her treat.  What she would remember was the warm wet taste of Lisa’s mouth on her tongue, when it slipped through Lisa’s teeth and touched the moist tongue that waited for hers.

     Lisa opened her mouth to the softness of Donna’s and pressed her tongue against the intruder.  Her heart began to pound loud and her temple pulsated with the burst of its strong beat. She heard a small groan, but soon knew it was her own and not Donna’s.  Her stomach weakened, her arms rose and surrounded Donna, dragging her palms over Donna’s clothing .. feeling Donna’s firm flesh just beneath and she wanted more of her.  She wanted to feel her own skin rubbing and smearing itself over hers.  It was all in their kiss. But, it was only the beginning.

     Both knew the sensation of a lover’s hungry kiss. However, this kiss was somehow better.  Neither felt the quest of territory gained.   Each wanted to give and in the giving found their breath taken away.  As though choreographed, they slipped hands over hallowed ground and through forbidden fences to feel the texture and framework of the other.  The music of their movements was dainty and light with buttons popping gently open and zippers slowly sliding gates open for play. Clips and hooks needed no assistence.  Bodies gave up their bridled beauty without a single grunt or groan for guidence. Rather it was more of a dance spurred on by the passion of their pleasure and fragile clasp of their kiss.

     As the dance floor became littered with each new donation, the pair waltzed to a clearing and explored their new dicoveries more fully. First one than the other, as a trail of light kisses, guided a nose along the curves and crannies of another woman. A silent contract sealed the silence within each, until a kiss tagged the other to travel her own trip over the unknown landscape. Neither spoke, but moan in the searches.

     While lips pressed their affections on necks and shoulders, hands drew circles in the fields with fingertips.  Finally, one found the gift of the other and breathing grew more labored and loud. The other sent fingers to feel of the soft mound that once entered was withdrawn rich in the wet flavor of passions path.  Along the inside of their trembling thighs, a stream, like a street ran from heaven to heel. With this knowledge, a pair of knees bent quickly and a face pressed itself ‘against’, with a hungry lap from a thirsty tongue and a chorus of moans marked the arrival of lust at the birthplace of legs.

     Two gripping hands, hooked fast at the arm pits brought their two faces together again.  A whisper softly served said quickly that their duel of desire would last until dawn if you .. ".. follow me" and to a nest made for the test of tangled titans titillating and teasing  relentlessly pleasing each other until passion paints the spirit red.
So, they did go and crawl into place alongside the vessel they would board. Long hair brushing parted legs and orders cut the darkness cleanly.   "Oh, yeahhh .. mmm, yeah .. you taste so good" .. "wait I have something you’ll like, I use it all the time" .. "mmm, please .. more .. Haardder! yea .. mmm, oh yeah!" .. Give it to ME, bitch! .. Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

     Nipples ride suspended  breasts that rock to and fro, in swinging beauty,  beneath an arched body with a pair of palms and knees to cushion the pushin’ and keep the glissening framework poised for the pleasure of a siren sister that longs for her own long deep dicking at the hands of her playmate.  Pussies grind like oiled gears against each other, held fast by acheing arms that stretch to see-saw hips in a perfect pounding that brings ecstasy to the surface from the core of the soul.  When fortune smiles, a common bridge of phallus dimensions sits between and slides its length into the mouth of each, slips smoothly  .. often, as far as it will reach,  allowing fantasies brave and bold to be shared for a while as friends erupt into trembling screaming twin volcanos, shooting lava hot and thick along the shaft of the rubber wick .. and then, the two lie quiet.

     Now a secret binds them both.  A wicked walk they traveled hand-n-hand assures that only when the masculine gender is standing erect and in demand of a memory of their flawless flesh, they will know the remarkable bliss that is just beyond the perfection of their delicious kiss.


Ladies .. your nipples, please. 


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July 12, 2006


http://www.blogathon.com Your entries are interesting! This is why I’m asking YOU to consider blogathon! More info on the site. =) *huggeh* –

July 12, 2006

nice work. I wonder where your getting your inspiration from these days?

July 13, 2006


July 17, 2006

😀 muah! love you!

July 21, 2006

::deep sigh:: Man, I missed your writing Dande…::smiles softly::