Dande’s ..

.. back to remind you of the beauty and wonder that’s in you.  When I could, I wrote .. but most of the time I read.   I read you daily .. if you wrote.  Often you didn’t.



      I lie awake at night and imagine the weight of your ankle on the back of my leg. I find myself measuring all kinds of things .. the heat of you sleeping .. the number of breaths you breathe softly over my arm .. the strands that make up just one of the curls in your hair.   I count eyelashes and consider the angle that is the shape of your nose.

     Your fingers and hands ..  idle in slumber, remind me of other times, when they brought tender bliss to me.  Even now, as they sit still, they give me thoughts of your sensuous use of them .. teasing fingertips that trip me into your presence and playfully plead with me to remain close .. closer. 

     Your lips swell, parted and parched, seemingly waiting to be tasted in ambush .. unaware of their allure.  At your throat is the throb of a gentle heartbeat .. a testiment to the truth that you are .. and my own heart beats more bold in my celebration of that.  I’m being seduced by you .. compelled by you .. to recall the value you’ve placed on me, all without a single application of makeup or gile.   You are sexy .. radiantly beautiful and no power can remove my desire for you in this moment. 

     All I can do is absorb you ..  allow myself to be charged by you and hope that you will understand that I’m growing more intrigued with you.  My cup is filling .. I can feel it.  I want to feel it fill with lust for you.   As I crave more of you, I want to see more of you.  A tug on the warm crumpled drapes that cover you .. reveal you.  Tiny hairs that cover you like a peach fuzz rise on goosebumps .. an army of amorous warriors waking in the moonlight to alarm your senses .. arouses me.  Tell her I’m coming .. warn her of me. 

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September 10, 2006
September 10, 2006

Wow! That is wonderful. The way you said that seems so breath taking. Something like that would make me melt in a man’s arms. You are most definately a charmer. I love your diary. Sorry to pry but I am just a random noter. Bravo!!!! I feel like a piece of ice on a masculine man’s warm body. You have a way with words. Very nice entry…..APPLAUSE!!!!!!

September 11, 2006

it’s been so long since I have come and read your work. It’s nice to be back! *coy little smile*

September 11, 2006

om, I read some past entries…. what an breathless afternoon break that was. 🙂

September 11, 2006

*smiles* Well done… I’ve read your diary for sometime now and you are a very composed writer. It’s very refreshing to read your unexplainable way with words. I hope you are as vocal in life as you are with your writing because it’s something special to be able to express yourself. –

This reminds me how much I have missed reading you and of the need inside of me….(oops! towel drops..)

September 23, 2006

any woman would lucky to have a man that thought as many wonderful things about them as you portray in your thoughts… i miss you. <3