..come pick me up ..


     I was weak on lusting alone and so, I read on, what else you said, on other matters close to you, closer than I.   You were cryptic, as usual .. was it me or is it he, she scolds. Who cares .. she is here again .. smiling .. and desired, in whatever direction she goes.



"Come Pick Me Up"

When they call your name
Will you walk right up
With a smile on your face
Or will you cower in fear
In your favorite sweater
With an old love letter

     I didn’t watch the video you left, but chose to read the words, as he sang them.  I imagined you, I’ll admit.  Your ‘note’ was fresh in my mind.  I had come to you, searching for what I said that made you throw your arms around me so ..  my heart melted with every syllable.

I wish you would
I wish you would
Come pick me up
Take me out
Fuck me up
Steal my records
Screw all my friends
They’re all full of shit
With a smile on your face
And then do it again
I wish you would

     I found his raspy voice perfect to sing these sensuous words, as I read them.  I wondered how they would sound coming from your throat, in the tone of your voice .. and how pleasing your scent would be to my nose, buried against your smooth neck.

When you’re walking downtown
Do you wish I was there
Do you wish it was me
With the windows clear and the mannequins eyes
Do they all look like mine 
     Though you scoff at the thought .. your eyes are far more deep and alluring, than those of a plaster fashion icon, but I suppose they could be similiar, to one who doesn’t think of them, as often as I do.  I miss the pics I used to have near, though you were far. You took them with you, when you left the last time.  Fittingly, I guess.  They were never mine, not really and they, certainly, weren’t you .. not really.

You know you could
I wish you would
Come pick me up
Take me out
Fuck me up
Steal my records
Screw all my friends behind my back
With a smile on your face
And then do it again
I wish you would 
     With this, I was yours .. seduced and sealed around you again, in the slow laments of a pleading ballad .. wanting more than the words I read .. needing to taste what the balladeer said in a kiss that spread these words on my lips, as you sang.

I wish you’d make up my bed
So I could make up my mind
Try it for sleeping instead
Maybe you’ll rest sometime
I wish I could

     I was weak on lusting alone and so, I read on, what else you said, on other matters close to you, closer than I.   You were cryptic, as usual .. was it me or is it he, she scolds. Who cares .. she is here again .. smiling .. and desired, in whatever direction she goes.

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September 3, 2008

love the song…first heard it on the Elizabethtown soundtrack ^_^.