Bits and Bobs






     I was just thinking about you.  You know, napping.  Naps are so fun on Saturdays!!

Lying on crisp cool sheets and rolling against each other. Stroking slender ankles with the soles of my feet. Feeling your creamy skin, so warm and smooth, against mine .. harder, more rough.  Propped on one elbow, watching you speak of things that need order in your head .. knowing you’re aware that my eyes rest often on the beauty of you lying there .. a tauting diversion. You like whetting my appetite, don’t you?

I need only to feign fatique to see you zip to the end of your agenda quickly, but those are rare moments.  I like letting you arouse me in casual settings .. as if I could control that. You’re so subtle sometimes .. shifting about, adjusting the linen .. offering up one brief glance at your heaven, waiting for me, before the cloth settles again upon us.  

In the aftermath of my sensual thought process, you know your words have been lost on me and lust is rising to be met. Hunger heralds its greed in the great new shape that our cotton skyline is beginning to reveal.  I want it known, but you merely weigh how its grown, in passing non-chalanance. Just knowing it’s present is reassuring to you. You check the time, think of the possibilities and inch a tad closer, to seal my doom. All the while, still reciting a steady state of the union message as it applies to us. Then, you lean very close .. brushing away imaginary dust, making sure your breast, if not barely touching me, is held in some enticing fashion .. an aroused nipple, a luscious fruit needing to be fondled and nibbled.

I have found no way to hold myself back this time. My drive is to touch and taste you .. all of you at once!  I’d like to say this is about you or us, but it’s not .. it’s ALL about me. Without a word from you to stop me or slow me down, I’ve FOUND my prey and I’m determined to have it!   Your chat will cease with my mouth melted to yours and every area of you will be disturbed and toyed with, fondled and caressed. I will seem possessed, for I AM!  Images of you will blur through my head pushed on by the scents and sounds you release without controls.  You’ll be molded to my desires by hands and arms constructing my ecstasy! You may be pinned to your pillow or gasping for air on your belly .. your frame will bend and bow as I need it to for my pleasure.  You will find no escape that isn’t blocked .. cornering you .. wearing you down to feast on you!  

There won’t be a plan for this .. sponteneity will reign!  You are a ‘want’ transformed into a ‘need’ and you will be taken for granted. Covers will be ripped from you and your flesh will be relentlessly sought!  Your tender pinks will be suckled in gentle swallows in quieter moments, but may still feel the sting of a selfish animal should your hand venture too close or there’s a hint of rejection. Give in to it! .. it will go easier.

There are no guarantees beyond the fury of the storm!  Furniture may break, your wrists may be tethered, the headboard may sound like a loose shutter in a hurricane .. ankles may be secured to your pillow alongside your head and all I want to hear is ‘Take me .. You son of a bitch! ..  and you WILL be taken, again and again.

The consulation is .. later, I will drink anything, eat everything and return to you a ready to stroke you, hold you .. keep you warm against me. You may slap me or wage your own lusty war upon me. But, properly done .. you’ll be willing to cuddle and swoon and nap. 




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May 6, 2006

bwa-ha! loved it! this scene is soooo familiar to me…lovely, absolutely lovely!

WoW *melts*

May 7, 2006


May 8, 2006

*sigh* just lovely…

May 9, 2006
June 2, 2006

*sighs* I like this very much…

June 25, 2006

Where are you, Dandytyme?!! You’re never on anymore! I love your writing. It gets me so worked up! Won’t you at least come visit me and leave notes! Is everything okay with you? I’ll kiss it and make it well .. promise MUAH!Daniexxoo