It amazes me how many ways there are to be ‘sexy’ and how attempts to be so are often hit or miss conclusions, because as the saying goes, one’s treasure is another’s trash.  In other words, we’re one species, identified into two genders (primarily) and what influences each of us to determine what ‘turns us on’ is as varied as the stars in the sky.  I recognize that there are broad guidelines that we all rely on, but they are, for the most part, physical ones.  We can form ‘ideals’ with these tried and true guides, but they’re only one plateau, one level of ‘sexual’ chemistry.

     The truth be told, our age, era, upbringing, persona, habits, interests and so on ~ ALL have an influence on us in the ‘sexy’ question that titles this entry.
     ‘Are you sexy?’  without a doubt, my answer is absolutely!  The unfortunate side to that reality is how quickly we change horses in mid stream, because we aren’t confident enough to pursue our own path, because we surrender our ‘power’ to others.  We do it far too much, often soliciting critizism that feeds our doubts in ourselves.  Females are much more prone to be victims of this and give the reasoning that its the male of the species that makes them so.  The male .. who never forms a liasion with another male over matters of sex and women.   We form liasions for control, not sex or attractiveness. Our interests are war and weapons, principle and peace.  We’re wired to get the job done, build or destroy for reasons of rule.  This is true of our work and our play.
     I often hear a female’s lament that she attracts the ‘wrong’ kind of man.  I never hear men say that of women.  We aren’t living to avoid a ‘wrong’ kind of woman.  The beauty of a man isn’t the same as that of a woman, except in the ‘classic’ sense, and again this is physical.  If the physical was the highest priority, than we’d have extinguished our parents long before they expired on their own.  Then, we could be a society of beautiful people, but beauty carries its own standards differently in each of us.  Whatta mess, sorting that out would be!
     We’ve all heard a compliment that we’ve never heard before. The one I heard and never forgot was from a high school sweetheart that was a first love. 
     "What attracted you to me" I asked, after we’d dated for some time.  I was hoping to discover a surefire plus for my ego.   She had come out of nowhere to stand by me at a dance and returned to her ‘spot’ beside me (once I’d returned to my spot) and her tenacious attention that evening began a relationship that led to my question and a memory.
     "Oh, I don’t know.  I liked your forearms."
     "My FOREarms?!" I quieried, pointing at my arms from wrist to elbow, in amazement.  "These!?"
     "Yeah, they looked strong and I liked their shape".
     Needless to say, I rolled my sleeves up more often, after that!  I DID use flexing grips in my weight training to make my handshake more firm.   I never expected it to get me a girlfriend.  She never mentioned smile or personality.   I still include them as an asset to my body, but have never gotten the remark again.
     Perhaps, its the death of chivilry or the collapse of courting, but a woman’s psyche needs a boost as often as she can get one.  Her role, even today, isn’t an easy one.  ‘Compliments’ seem to fall on deaf ears, when women’s lib moved through our nation years ago.  But, both genders benefited from those verbal slights of hand.  Men could exhibit respect and interest without commiting too quickly and a women could be gracious and humble without feeling too vulnerable or submissive.  But, that’s not my point here.
     There’s a mystical magic sparked in a guy by a female. Her gender alone perks his interest and tickles his groin.  He’s immediately up for the match of wits with you, even if that’s not really true. In his mind, he’s meat for your table.  You may want a finer cut or a more tender sirloin, but you have a man to slice up or suck on at your leisure.   Like any meal, it won’t last forever, at this point.  You may need to season and age him to discover his worth.  Afterall, he’s just a man.  But, he’s sizing you up too.  
     He may stick around for the sight of you for a time, but it’ll be your ability to make him comfortable, welcomed .. that’ll keep him coming back.  Bad breath, fighting for the lead and rudeness are turn offs .. not learned challenges that have to be overcome to be called a man.  When you challenge his manhood, with preconceived notions of his gender, based on the last asshole YOU chose, you say more about you, than him.  
     ‘Sexy’ IS a state of mind.  Confidence and good self-esteem will overcome any shortcomings you see in your idea of you.   Remember that a man sees other attractive attributes in you, just as you do men.  Your details .. smile, skin, teeth, fingernails, hands, dimples, hair, clothing, birthmarks, scars, tanlines, disposition are all being registered as you’re being engaged.   The ‘wrong’ kind  or the ‘right’ kind to deal with says you’re attractive and have decisions to make.  If you make the wrong decision, own it and go on.   Don’t pass it on, to the next guy.  Relationships ARE NOT our strong point.
      If you want to be a ‘keeper’, don’t cater to sex so quickly.  We KNOW we’re out of control on that.   We want a female that knows how to reign us in, without breaking our neck.  Your sexiest parts have nothing to do with sex, unless your signs have it painted boldly on them.  When sex IS your priority, don’t expect a fierce fight for your love.  It will keep us in your bed, but not in your life and it should NEVER be a weapon or tool to manipulate us.  Would you like an allowance given freely routinely all you can spend, suddenly stopped, unless you saw things our way?  These are expressions of friendship, not tyranny.
     Yes, you’re sexy as hell.. we KNOW it, you need to believe it and learn to master it for the sake of your most sought after currency .. LOVE.                 

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February 10, 2008

I so love my significant other like I have loved no other. He is so sexy to me, and that starts from within. Thankfully, chivalry is not yet dead even if it’s close. He does many things that always make me feel like a lady and special to him. I am forever appreciative and I return that back (in a non-sexual way). Very nice entry.

February 19, 2008

RYN: I hold each and every opinion of mine with ferocity. I also allow myself to change my mind. Thus…stubborn and mutable.

wow now even guys are writing essays on what a woman should do to keep a man. now let me tell you a secret about women. they just want to be loved for who they are, they don’t want to have to play the right game, or follow the right rules in order to “keep their man coming back”. The best way to conquer these issues is to realize yes men and women are very different, but in the end it is just..

…two souls coming together to overlap in love. They should be equals and not always worry about how they should respect eachother and treat eachother according to their respective roles in the relationship based on their gender. I said at the beginning that even men are doing it now because there are countless books out that you see at the bookstore all the time and online about the secrets…

…to keeping a man. Mostly written by women. Personally I feel all this is a cop out…to make due with how we treat eachother as less than…wether it is on the male end or female end. We should be treating eachother with respect as people….while I enjoy being a woman and would never want to be any other way and while I love the masculine of the species, I think we should look at eachother.

…as people and leave this he said/she said crap for another day. Men often complain as you did about women being tentative to give their hearts or even treating them badly because they have fears left over from previous a*sholes they’ve been with. I agree that this is absolutely true! Anyway, as a woman who has loved men, I continue to be offended at the notion that there are certain…

…things that a woman has to do or ways they have to be in order to keep their man interested so he doesn’t dump her. Beyond treating him with love and respect and yes, brushing her teeth once in a while for sure! But beyond that, well, there shouldn’t be beyond that, nor should there be the other way around. If a guy is not interested anymore than it is his prerogative to end it, and he SHOULD!

…and so it should be the other way around. Anyway, I should have said also that men, who often have walls up as high as the empire state building tend to also just as women, close up after they have had a bad experience, so they base how they relate to a new love on how they were hurt by the last one. We are different you see, in many ways, but still are the same…I am puzzled by this…

…statement… Yes, you’re sexy as hell.. we KNOW it, you need to believe it and learn to master it for the sake of your most sought after currency .. LOVE. I mean what are we, Geisha? we need to master the art of being sexy? Actually I don’t even have to try to be sexy, I just am. “for the sake of our most sought after currency”? Are you saying that you don’t love a woman just for…

…who she is? Are you saying that she needs to be a certain way, that there is a test she has to perform in order to ‘win’ you love? Are you saying that it’s OUR most sought after currency..but not YOURS. well, what I’m saying is, do you think that sexiness is very important to men but lOVE is not as important to men as it is to women? I thank you very much. I am sure I have read a lot into…

…you statements…however, I think there is some true there, and I thank you very much because I think I have just come to the heart of something. The problem very often in relationships, on the male side (I’m not saying there are not problems on the female side as well)…as much as I believe we are all people…the problem is men often try to get women to think that love is not as important..

…to them as it is to women. When it comes to a one on one relationship of love, this can be a big problem, the woman comes to believe she is more in love than he is with her. I don’t personally believe this is true, but more women in history than you know or could possible count I bet have been victims of this. I know you will say that women should learn how not to be victims, but that’s..

…for another discussion. I believe that men unconsciously or consciously do this as a way to protect themselves. anyway, interesting. this has been very helpful for me. thanks.

oh also I wanted to add…you never see any books about the secret to keeping women. you see books for men about secrets to GETTING women, and there are books for women about the secrets to getting men…but never for men the secrets to keeping women. I believe there must be a reason for this.

p.s. I don’t get it, the entry after this.. are you a man or a woman?

March 12, 2008

this reminded me a lot of myself and things you have been telling/teaching me over the years. you’re amazing and i miss you!