

     I suppose it’s my own fault.   A couple days ago I posted an entry here.  In the meantime, as I made my daily jaunt through OD favorites, I found that no one was updating.  It was SO unusual, to not find SOMEONE updating about SOMETHING, that I began to worry that it was my computer .. or the website.  The entry was laced with sex and centered on infidelity, but no one was reading it.  I’m afraid I went from curious to confounded to frustrated and, at that point, I deleted.  It must not be fit to read.

     It WAS an entry that I edited several times.  It was a long entry.  The process gave me misgivings, the disinterest made me feel I was filling up space.  I finally threw in the towel.  But, in doing that, I felt I needed a ‘gravestone’ for what went before.  It, at least, deserved THAT .. and an epitaph.

     The demise of my writing ‘failure’, my crippled creation, born with hope for SO much, was my fault, because I wasn’t sold on it.  I THOUGHT I was, but this is a lesson in trusting your ‘gut’.  I don’t think any of us writes on this diary (open to the public) without a care to how it’s received.  Notes tell you that.  However, it was my fault also, because I haven’t been posting, as much as I used to.  I read favorites daily, think my thoughts and haven’t left my OWN  in notes for them.    I write daily and leave very little for my readers to consume. 

     Perhaps, I’m not one of YOUR favorites and you got used to coming by on your own, without a ‘new entry’ prompt,  to find something interesting on a routine basis, then realized I’ve been remiss, for a few months now,  in letting my juices cover the page religiously.  I have a couple ‘favs’ I adore reading, but their lives and priorities have changed, I assume.  At any rate, they aren’t writing where I can read it .. IF they’re writing.  But, I keep their diaries on my favorites, just in case they visit theirs and leave a piece of themselves to be gobbled up.

     I’m on everyday.  I’m reading everyday .. and I’m writing everyday or sifting through imagination for entry ideas  and pursuing them to an early death or an assisted living life, in my computer files.  One of my very favorite ‘reads’, simply tore her pages from this diary and started over, but her first entry was ‘goodbye, for a time’.  Her decision, tore her pictures, her spirit and my private notes up when it was made.   Like her life, though ..  it’s HER diary.  What can you say?  Another great ‘read’ has never found a note from me on her entries, beyond the first one to be ‘added’ to her favorites.   I wonder, if she ever wonders about ME?

     Let’s see .. a grave marker  ..

In loving memory

      ‘The Affair’ 

  Born – 6/29/07 ~ Died – 7/02/07


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July 2, 2007

I am going to be honest I came and I saw it and even read a bit but as a newlywed the idea of an affair makes me feel not right inside. Since I have been married I have trouble reading erotica about cheating or looking at porn that is titled “my cheating wife” (yes, it does exist). I am sure my aversion to it will fade with time. I think I am just at a point right now where I cannot imagine anything sexy about that subject. Shrugs.

July 2, 2007

OMG…Ms. McBoobs reads here too ^_^… At any rate, I didn’t know how I felt about it. The subject is kinda taboo, Dande, dear…Affairs are messy…

July 2, 2007

::laughs:: how very forward of you ^_^. And yes, I am. And I am loving every minute (well…most of them). And I am learning to love him very, very much… One day, maybe he’ll get it. I know my worth. I know the worth of my love. The question is, does he?

July 2, 2007

ok, so I’ll admit it…I go through sometimes and read other people’s notes…>_> …like the one (and I mean ONE) note that you left Ms. McBoobs. Or at least that’s the only public one… Did she make you a favorite? By virtue of her noting you here, I’d think that’s the case… ::prepares to be jealous:: ::pouts:: Oh well…I guess that’s just my luck! ^_____^

July 2, 2007

::looks up in confusion::

July 3, 2007

Most people don’t set out to “have an affair.” Neither do they do it maliciously. Neither does it make them bad. Am I defensive? You betcha. But I’m also one of the most sane people I know. Affair or no. What I don’t do, is judge. I often come to read, Dear. Even when you don’t post new entries. Take care. –R

July 3, 2007

Mmmmm, bourbon and milk with chocolate syrup! YUM!!

July 3, 2007

what about burbon with milk and chocolate syrup? that sounds like a drink right up my alley…but seriously, where did that comment come from??